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Antes de fazer a sua pergunta, tenha certeza de ter lido as regras da seção e o guia abaixo:ção/ário-com-dúvidas/ Obs: não delete esse formulário pré-definido, preencha-o corretamente para postar o seu tópico! Descreva em algumas palavras a base utilizada. (Nome do servidor / Nome do cliente / Nome do website / etc.). Base: Servidor Friday war Cliente tibia 8.6 Qual é a sua pergunta? Olá, eu estou a procura de um antigo mapa chamado Friday War, um mapa ot da versão 8.6 onde existia War team vs team, havia troca de mapas constantes em intervalos fixos, tu ganhava Gold e Level quando matava seu oponente e tinha classes únicas como Hero, Shapshooter e Warlock, eu até encontrei alguns sites com esse mapa para download mas todos eles estão quebrado e a ultima resposta desses sites é em torno de 2015, ou seja já faz um bom tempo, gostaria de saber se alguém se lembra desse mapa e tivesse também ele disponível para download. Você tem o código disponível? Se tiver poste-o na caixa de código que está dentro do spoiler abaixo: Você tem alguma imagem que possa auxiliar no problema? Se sim, anexe-a dentro do spoiler abaixo:
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TeamWarOT HardCore 8.6 - Team vs Team Fala galera, hoje estou abrindo o codigo de um projeto antigo. Algo que fiz a muito tempo. Espero ajudar a comunidade e também reviver esse estilo de servidor. Foi desenvolvido utilizando MODs, logo todo o servidor encontra-se em 3 arquivos. Database Working with SQLite and MySQL Default account admin/252525 in SQLite Operacional System Windows or Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS) Features Map X-Dreams with 5 citys (Carlin, Venore, Edron, Fibula and Thais) Auto Map Change Auto Re-Balanceamento de Teams Auto Mensagens Anti MC Gain Gold Coins on Kill Gain Experience on Kill Skull System 100 frags = Yellow Skull 200 frags = Green Skull 300 frags = White Skull 400 frags = Red Skull 500 frags = Black Skull First Skills First Items Logout Protection for First Skills Death Broadcast Best Killers Broadcast Frags onLook Configurations All configurations in config, very easy! configTWH = { maxTopRanking = 12, diffFragsToEqui = 15, antiMC = { enable = true, -- enable or disable max = 5, -- max chars with the same ip allowedIP = {""}, timeForKick = 1500, MsgKick = "You have been kicked because you are using Multi-Client.", group_id = 3 -- only kick player with group id 1 (normal players) }, -- Logout Protection Time logoutProtectionTimer = { enable = true, storage = 55552, timer = 20 * 1000 }, defaultCharStatus = true, -- true/false for enable accounts (1/1 - 2/2 - 3/3 - 4/4) defaultCharAccoutID = {10,20,30,40}, -- Sorcerer/Druid/Paladin/Knight -- OutFit Type / Color TEAMS_SET = { {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 76, lookBody = 94, lookFeet = 0}, -- Team I OutFit {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 76, lookBody = 81, lookFeet = 0}, -- Team II Outfit {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0} -- NoTeam Outfit }, -- Map Type (1 = Team vs Team (Normal) 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)) mapStats = { [1] = { author = "Staff", name = "Thais", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1452, y = 1898, z = 6}, [2] = { x = 1553, y = 1857, z = 7} } }, [2] = { author = "Staff", name = "Carlin", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {4, 5}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1816, y = 1872, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1886, y = 1940, z = 6} } }, [3] = { author = "Staff", name = "Venore", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {7, 8}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 2183, y = 1921, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 2281, y = 1899, z = 7} } }, [4] = { author = "Staff", name = "Edron", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {10, 11}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 2590, y = 1907, z = 6}, [2] = { x = 2709, y = 1924, z = 7} } }, [5] = { author = "Staff", name = "Fibula", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {16, 17}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1486, y = 2123, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1522, y = 2182, z = 7} } } }, deathBroadcast = { killStorageValue = 99990, lastKillerStorage = 50000, maxPlayerGainFrag = 5, MaxLevel = { use = true, MAX = 400 }, FragCount = { use = true }, AnimeText = { use = true }, GainMoney = { use = true, coinID = 2148 }, MultiIp = { use = false }, experienceByKillingPlayers = { use = true, levelAmount = 0.6, color = 240 }, -- level gain for last hit killer killMessage = { use = true, text = "[War Stats] Frags Online: |KILLERKILLS| Frags All: |KILLERKILLSALL| Last Killer: |TARGETNAME|!", messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE }, killerAnimation = { use = true, text = "Frag!", color = 240 }, -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here. targetAnimation = { use = true, text = "Owned!", color = 151 } -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here. }, mapType = { [1] = { idType = 1, nameType = "Team vs Team", descricao = " { Team vs Team } \n\n O objetivo é matar \n jogadores de outros times." }, [4] = { idType = 4, nameType = "Deathmatch", descricao = " { Deathmatch } \n\n O objetivo é matar \n o maior numero de jogadores \n (TODOS SÃO INIMIGO!)." }, }, mapChange = { timer = 20 * 60, timerStorage = 13001, mapIdStorage = 13002, mapTypeStorage = 13005, accessIgnore = 3 }, STORAGE = { PLAYER = { TEAM_INFO = 40000, FRAGS_Online = 5000, OUTFIT_Status = 4999, }, GLOBAL = { FRAGS = {30001, 30002}, TEAMS = {40001, 40002, 40003}, TEAMS_COUNT = {40011, 40012, 40013} } }, -- Protect Area / Not Teleport in Change Map protectArea = { {fromx=102, fromy=615, fromz=8, tox=146, toy=638, toz=8}, }, startPlayer = { LevelFree = 150, LevelPremium = 180, STATS = { -- Free Account 1-4 { healthMax = 895, manaMax = 4045, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 895, manaMax = 4045, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1605, manaMax = 2165, cap = 3310, healthExt = 350, manaExt = 350, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 2315, manaMax = 745, cap = 4020, healthExt = 500, manaExt = 200, capExt = 250 }, -- Premium Account and Promotion { healthMax = 1045, manaMax = 4795, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1045, manaMax = 4795, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1905, manaMax = 2615, cap = 3310, healthExt = 350, manaExt = 350, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 2765, manaMax = 895, cap = 4020, healthExt = 500, manaExt = 200, capExt = 250 }, }, }, mensagens = { [0] = "Fique por dentro de tudo que acontece no servidor e participe do nosso Forum. Visite:", [1] = "A Equipe não se responsabiliza por perda de Items/Roubos/Accounts Hackeds. Mantenha sua account segura, nunca use Account = Senha!", [2] = "Comandos disponiveis no Servidor: !frags, !top, !rank, !online, !map, !maps, !nextMap.", [3] = "Crie Agora sua Account! Visite:", [4] = "Visite nosso TeamSpeak 3, otimo bate-papo de voz com toda Equipe e Players! Cliente antigo 3.1.8 IP: Download:!uMgzBIzY!fd1JoRq0tx41gfP1-d2f718XI19Szx_SJa8xf_3M4is " } } Commands !map !maps !frags !online !rank !top !comandos Functions List -- Maps map.get() map.removeIssue() map.getIdByName() map.set(id) -- Map Info mapInfo.mapId() mapInfo.mapIdNext() mapInfo.mapName() mapInfo.mapNameNext() -- Map Type Manager mapTypeManager.get() mapTypeManager.set(id) -- Player Team playerTeam.get(cid) playerTeam.set(cid, id) -- Frags Team fragsTeam.get(teamId) fragsTeam.add(teamId, count) fragsTeam.start(teamId) fragsTeam.rem(teamId, count) -- Team Count teamCount.get(teamId) teamCount.add(teamId, count) teamCount.start(teamId, count) teamCount.rem(teamId, count) teamCount.change(cid, team, teamGo) -- Frags frags.get(cid) frags.add(cid, amount) -- Frags Online fragsOnline.add(cid, amount) fragsOnline.get(cid) fragsOnline.cleanStart(cid) fragsOnline.cleanALL() -- Deaths deaths.get(cid) deaths.add(cid, amount) -- Outfit outfit.setTeam(cid, team) outfit.setRandomColor(cid) -- Ranking ranking.getTopFragsOnline() -- Player Set Team doPlayerSetTeam.login(cid) -- Others Functions map_change(id) isInPosition(pos, area) getSmallestTeam() getTimeMap(s) mostraTempo(cid) playerKickMC(cid) equilibrar() getCurrentPlayers() getCurrentAccounts() Mods mods/ TeamWar HardCore [War].xml mods/ First Skills [War].xml mods/ First Items [War].xml Download TeamWarOT - Github: HeberPcL/TeamWarOT ( Mega: 6.54 MB file on MEGA (