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  1. Advanced Auction House v1.0

    Nome: Advanced Auction House v1.0 Autor: josejunior23 Server: Real Server 8.60 Olá galerinha da otbr =) bem, como passei uns dias sem fazer nada eu resolvi escrever um pouco... Como functiona? usei a ideia do WoW(World of Warcraft), o Auction-House, que você poe lá items, a espera que outro jogador o compre... caso ninguém compre, ele será removido apos X dias. mas não tive tempo de mudar isso para npc, então deixei em talkactions mesmo. -- Lembrando que esse sistema é exclusivo para Otnet, proíbido postar em outros fórums. Comandos: Informações: - Os items são guardados em um ficheiro .txt e não em uma database. - os items ficam guardados assim: 01/01/11 3031 2000 10 2 data,item,preço,quantidade,guid do player 1º - cria um ficheiro XML na pasta mods chamado ADVANCED-AUCTION-HOUSE, e poe isso dentro: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE" version="1.0" author="josejunior23" contact="[email protected]" enabled="yes"> <talkaction words="!auction-sell;!auction-buy;!auction-list;!auction-info;!auction-del;!auction-cmd;!auction;!auction-find;!auction-clean;!auction-withdraw;!auction-balance" case-sensitive="yes" event="script" value="AAH.lua"/> <globalevent name="aution_check" time="00:01" event="script" value="AAH.lua"/> </mod> guarde e pronto. 2º - cria um ficheiro .LUA na pasta mods/scripts chamado AAH e poe isso dentro: --######################################### ABOUT ################# -- Advanced Auction House #### -- code by josejunior23 #### -- the function add_depot_item(guid, item, count) as made by magus from #### -- any other code in this file as made by me. #### -- ... and thanks to the TFS, they make it more easy #### --######################################### CONFIG ################################################################ local max_days, bad_items, able_items, max_offer, max_items, main_file, item_show, access_need =-- # J # 2, -- 1º - <MAX DAYS> - when player add an offer, his offer will stay for X days, in this case 2. # O # {"gold coin", "crystal coin", "platinum coin", "worm"}, -- 2º - <IGNORED ITEMS> - put here all items that you dont want players put for sale. # S # {able_runes = false, able_potions = true}, -- 3º - <ABLE/DISABLE RUNES/POTIONS> - choose if you want to player sell runes/pots # E # 40000000, -- 4º - <MAX OFFER> - max offer that players may ask for his item's, in this case 40 000 000 golds (40kk). # J # 5, -- 5º - <MAX ITEMS PER PLAYER> - max items that each player can put for sale, in this case 5. # R # 'houseItems.txt', -- 6º - <###MAIN FILE###> - this is the name of the MAIN FILE, where the script save the offers.. # 2 # 2160, -- 7º - <DUUUH, NOTHING ESPECIAL> - this show a crystal coin (itemid: 2160) when player say ex: !auction-list [param # 3 # 3 -- 8º - <ACCESS> - this is the access You need to use command !auction-clean #### --########################################################################################################################## -- ########## LIB FUNCTIONS ########### function load_table(file) local t = { } for m in io.lines(file) do local d, i, c, a, s = m:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' table.insert(t, {date = d, item = i, cost = c, ammount = a, seller = s }) end return t end function save_table(file, text) local f =,"w") f:write(text) f:close() end function add_new_line(file, arr) local tab = load_table(file) table.insert(tab, {date = arr.d, item = arr.i, cost = arr.c, ammount = arr.a, seller = arr.s }) save_table(file, covert_table(tab)) end function del_line_by_id(file, id) local tab = load_table(file) table.remove (tab, id) save_table(file, covert_table(tab)) end function covert_table(tab) local t = "" for i in pairs(tab) do t = t .. "" .. tab[i].date .. " " .. tab[i].item .. " " .. tab[i].cost .. " " .. tab[i].ammount .. " " .. tab[i].seller .. "\n" end return t end function get_ramdom_thing(tab) return tab[math.random(1, #tab)] end function list_items(tab, str) local i = 0 if(str == nil) then str = "" end for id in pairs(tab) do i = i + 1 if(tab[id].x) then i = tab[id].x end str = str .. "\n " .. i .. "# " .. tab[id].ammount .. "x " .. getItemNameById(tab[id].item) .. " " .. tab[id].cost .. " " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(tab[id].seller) end local txt = { "`!auction-buy id´\n-> to buy an item.", "`!auction-sell item, ammount, price´\n-> to sell an item.", "`!auction-info id´\n-> to see more information about id offer.", "`!auction-list´\n-> to see a complete list with offers.", "`!auction-find name´\n-> to find offers by name.", "`!auction-withdraw´\n-> to get your money from our house.", "`!auction-del id´\n-> to delete an offer made by You."} return str .. "\n\nTip: " .. get_ramdom_thing(txt) end function get_info(file, id) -- id == line local tab, list = load_table(file), nil for i = 1, #tab do if(i == id)then list = {date = tab[i].date, item = tab[i].item, cost = tab[i].cost, ammount = tab[i].ammount, seller = tab[i].seller} break end end return list end function add_depot_item(guid, item, count)-- by Magus local item,count = type(item)=="table" and item or {item},type(count)=="table" and count or {(count or 1)} for k,v in ipairs(item) do local ls = db.getResult("SELECT `sid` FROM `player_depotitems` WHERE `player_id` = "..guid.." ORDER BY `sid` DESC LIMIT 1") return db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `player_depotitems` (`player_id`, `sid`, `pid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes`) VALUES ("..guid..", "..(ls:getDataInt("sid")+1)..", 101, "..v..", "..count[k]..", '"..(count[k] > 1 and string.format("%x",count[k]) or '').."')") or false end end function add_day (days) local d, m, y = tonumber("%d")) + days, tonumber("%m")), tonumber("%y")) while d > 30 do d = 01 m = m + 1 end while m > 12 do d = 01 m = 01 y = y + 1 end return m .. "/" .. d .. "/" .. y end function clean_offers(file, m) local l, t = 0,"%m/%d/%y") if m then t = m end for e in io.lines(file) do l = l + 1 local d, i, c, a, s = e:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' if(d == t) then del_line_by_id(file, l) l = l - 1 local p = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(s)) if(isCreature(p)) then doPlayerAddItem(p, i, a) doPlayerSendTextMessage(p, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we could not sell Your ' .. a .. 'x of `' .. getItemNameById(i) .. '´ in our house, take it back.') else local s, i, a = tonumber(s),tonumber(i),tonumber(a) add_depot_item(s, i, a) end end end end function get_player_offers(g, file)-- g = player guid local o, x = {}, 0 for l in io.lines(file) do x = x + 1 local d, i, c, a, s = l:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' if(tonumber(s) == g) then table.insert(o, {date = d, item = i, cost = c, ammount = a, seller = s , x = x}) end end return o end function find_offers_by_name(name, file) -- this funciton find offers with item name local o, x = {}, 0 for l in io.lines(file) do x = x + 1 local d, i, c, a, s = l:match '(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(%S+)' if(getItemNameById(tonumber(i)) == name) then table.insert(o, {date = d, item = i, cost = c, ammount = a, seller = s , x = x}) end end return o end -- ########## LIB FUNCTIONS ############ -- ########## onSay FUNCTION ########### function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(words == "!auction-sell") then local t = string.explode(param, ",") if not t[2] or not t[3] or not param or (isNumber(t[1])) or not(isNumber(t[2])) or not (isNumber(t[3])) or (tonumber(t[2]) <= 0) or (tonumber(t[2]) > 100) or (tonumber(t[3]) <= 0) or (tonumber(t[2]) > 1) and not (isItemStackable(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: type the name of an item with ammount and offer: `!auction-sell carrion worm fang, 100, 3650´.\n Tip: `!auction-sell´ is the command, `carrion worm fang´ is the item, `100´ is the ammount, `3650´ is the price you want for it.') return true end if(isItemContainer(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) or not (isItemMovable(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) or (isInArray(bad_items, t[1])) or (isItemFluidContainer(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) and (able_items.able_potions == false) or (isItemRune(getItemIdByName(t[1]))) and (able_items.able_runes == false) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we do not accept those kind of items.') return true end if(max_items ~= 0) and (#get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) >= max_items) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You already have too many items in our house. You have a total of `' .. #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) .. '´ items in our house and still can put more `' .. max_items - #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) .. '´ items.') return true end if(tonumber(t[3]) > max_offer) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: sorry, this price is too much. the limit is: `' .. max_offer .. '´ golds.') return true end if(doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, getItemIdByName(t[1]), t[2])) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we have added your ' .. t[2] .. 'x `' .. t[1] .. '´ as offer to our house.\n say `!auction-info ' .. #load_table(main_file) + 1 .. '´ to see more information about your offer.\nYou have a total of `' .. #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file)+1 .. '´ items in our house and still can put more `' .. (max_items == 0 and "NO LIMIT" or max_items - #get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(cid), main_file) - 1) .. '´ items.') add_new_line(main_file, {d = add_day (max_days), i = getItemIdByName(t[1]), c = tonumber(t[3]), a = tonumber(t[2]), s = getPlayerGUID(cid)}) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find item `' .. t[1] .. '´ in your backpacks/slots.') end elseif(words == "!auction-buy") then if not (isNumber(param)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: ID. Offer should be a number.') return true end local f = get_info(main_file, tonumber(param)) if not f then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´.') return true end if(doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, f.cost) == true) then del_line_by_id(main_file, tonumber(param)) doPlayerAddItem(cid, f.item, f.ammount, false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You brought ' .. f.ammount .. 'x of `' .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. '´ for `' .. f.cost .. '´ golds from our house.') local pid = getPlayerByName(getPlayerNameByGUID(f.seller)) if not (isCreature(pid)) then db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `balance` = `balance` + '" .. f.cost .. "' WHERE `name` = '" .. getPlayerNameByGUID(f.seller) .. "';") return true end doPlayerAddMoney(pid, f.cost) doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we sold Your ' .. f.ammount .. 'x of `' .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. '´ in our house, heres Yours `' .. f.cost .. '´ golds.') end elseif(words == "!auction-list") then if(param == '') then local tab = load_table(main_file) if(#tab > 20) then doShowTextDialog(cid, item_show, list_items(tab, " #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n Total of `" .. #tab .. "´ items in our stock.\n\n ID. Item Gold Seller")) else doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, list_items(tab, " #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n Total of `" .. #tab .. "´ items in our stock.\n\n ID. Item Gold Seller")) end else if(isNumber(param)) or not (isPlayer(getPlayerByName(param))) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find a player online with name: `' .. param .. '´. \n Tip: remember, You can only look for offers from a player that is online. but You still can see their offers from `!auction-list´.') return true end local offers = get_player_offers(getPlayerGUID(getPlayerByName(param)), main_file) doShowTextDialog(cid, item_show, list_items(offers, " #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n " .. string.upper(param) .. ", \n as a total of `" .. #offers .. "´ items in our stock.\n\n ID. Item Gold Seller")) end elseif(words == "!auction-info") then if not (isNumber(param)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: ID. Offer should be a number.') return true end local f = get_info(main_file, tonumber(param)) if not f then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´.') return true end local txt = " #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n Showing Offer ID. " .. tonumber(param) .. "#\n\n - Expire Date: " .. .. "\n - Item: x" .. f.ammount .. " " .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. "\n - Cost: " .. f.cost .. " golds\n - Seller: " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(f.seller) .. "" doShowTextDialog(cid, f.item, txt) elseif(words == "!auction-del") then if not (isNumber(param)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: ID. Offer should be a number.') return true end local f = get_info(main_file, tonumber(param)) if not f then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´.') return true end if(tonumber(f.seller) == getPlayerGUID(cid)) then del_line_by_id(main_file, tonumber(param)) doPlayerAddItem(cid, f.item, f.ammount, false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: we removed your offer from our house, take back x' .. f.ammount .. ' of `' .. getItemNameById(f.item) .. '´.') else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You may not remove offer ID. `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´. reason: it does not belongs to You.') end elseif(words == "!auction-find") then if(isNumber(param)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for item `' .. tonumber(param) .. '´, make sure the name is right.') return true end local tab = find_offers_by_name(param, main_file) if(#tab == 0) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: could not find results for item `' .. param .. '´.') return true end doShowTextDialog(cid, getItemIdByName(param), list_items(tab, " #-> ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <-#\n\n Total of `" .. #tab .. "´ `" .. param .. "´ in our stock.\n\n ID. Item Gold Seller")) elseif(words == "!auction-cmd") or(words == "!auction") then local stuff = {{"`!auction-buy id´", "to buy an item by offer id\n\n"}, {"`!auction-sell itemname, ammount, price´", "to sell an item\n\n"}, {"`!auction-info id´", "to see more information about offer id\n\n"}, {"`!auction-list´", "to see a complete list with offers\n\n"}, {"`!auction-del id´", "to delete an offer made by you\n\n"}, {"`!auction-find name´", "to find offers by name\n\n"}, {"`!auction-withdraw´", "to get your money from our house\n\n"}, {"`!auction-balance´", "to see your current balance in our house\n\n"}} local txt = " > ADVANCED AUCTION HOUSE <\n\n" for i = 1, #stuff do txt = txt .. " " .. i .. ". - " .. stuff[i][1] .. "\n > " .. stuff[i][2] end -- ^ dont ask why, I just made in this way =) doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, txt .. "\n >Code by josejunior23<") -- ^ Do not remove s2 elseif(words == "!auction-withdraw") then local total_money = getPlayerBalance(cid) if(total_money <= 0) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: Your balance is `0´. ') return true end doPlayerAddMoney(cid, total_money) doPlayerSetBalance(cid, 0) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: You withdraw `' .. total_money .. '´ golds from our house. Your balance is now `0´.') elseif(words == "!auction-balance") then local total_money = getPlayerBalance(cid) if(total_money <= 0) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: Your balance is `0´. ') return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: Your balance is `' .. total_money .. '´golds, You can withdraw that money at anytime, type `!aution-withdraw´ to get all Your money from our house.') elseif(words == "!auction-clean") then if not (getPlayerAccess(cid) >= access_need) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '<this is not a valid command>') return false end if not (param) then clean_offers(main_file) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: all offers with date: ' .."%m/%d/%y") .. ' as been reseted.\n Remember, the scripts ignore offers with less/more days.') return true end if(isNumber(param)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: this is not a valid date, date format should be like in this example: ' .."%m/%d/%y") .. ' (month/day/year) . ') return true end clean_offers(main_file, param) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[AUCTION-HOUSE]: all offers with date: ' .. param .. ' as been reseted.\n Remember, the scripts ignore offers with less/more days.') end return true end -- ########## onSay FUNCTION ########### -- ########## onTimer FUNCTION ########## function onTimer(cid, interval, lastExecution) clean_offers(main_file) return true end -- ########## onTimer FUNCTION ########## 3º - cria um ficheiro .txt na pasta do seu server(onde fica o .exe), chamado houseItems, que ficara -> houseItems.txt Só PARA GESIOR! 4º - na pasta htdocs DO SITE cria um arquivo chamado auction-house.php e poe isso dentro: <?PHP $items_file = fopen("C:/meuserver/houseItems.txt", "rb"); // Localidade do houseItems.txt $images_path = ""; // imagem dos items(itemID) $id_count = 0; $main_content .= ' <br> <center> <table width="85%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="white" colspan="5" bgcolor="'.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'"> <center><h1>Auction-House</h1></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="white" colspan="5" bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"> <center><b>Online&&Offline Buy n Sell!</b> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['darkborder'].'"> <td><center>Item</td><td><center>Expire Date</td><td><center>Price(gps)</td><td><center>Seller</td><td><center>Command</td> </tr>'; while (!feof($items_file) ) { $id_count++; $lines = fgets($items_file); $thing = explode(' ', $lines); $playername = $SQL->query('SELECT name FROM players WHERE id=\''.$thing[4].'\' LIMIT 1')->fetch(); $main_content .= ' <tr bgcolor="'.$config['site']['lightborder'].'"> <td><center>x' .$thing[3]. ' <img src="' .$images_path. '' .$thing[1]. '.gif"></td> <td><center>' .$thing[0]. '</td> <td><center>' .$thing[2]. '</td> <td><center><a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($playername['name']).'">'.$playername['name'].'</a></td> <td>!auction-buy ' .$id_count. '</td> </tr>'; } fclose($items_file); $main_content .= ' </tbody> </table>'; ?> 5º no index.php em baixo de: case "latestnews": $topic = "Latest News"; $subtopic = "latestnews"; include("latestnews.php"); break; você poe: case "auctionhouse": $topic = "Auction-House"; $subtopic = "auctionhouse"; include("auction-house.php"); break; 6º agora em htdocs/layouts/SEU TEMA/layout.php você tem que adicionar a opção do auction-house, exemplo do meu: <li class="level1 item7"><a href="?subtopic=highscores" class="level1 item7"><span>Highscores</span></a></li> <li class="level1 item7"><a href="?subtopic=guilds" class="level1 item7"><span>Guilds</span></a></li> <li class="level1 item7"><a href="?subtopic=auctionhouse" class="level1 item7"><span>Auction-House</span></a></li> IMAGES pronto! instalado! posta ai! caso queiram os ficheiros: