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Encontrado 1 registro

  1. Upgrading System 2.0 por Clique

    ------------------------------- Nome: Upgrading System 2.0 por Clique :fist: Versão: 8.4x (também funciona em 8.5) Tipo do script: Action Servidor Testado: The Forgotten Server,Alissow Ots 3.4,Gangrel v5.8 Autor: jordanhenry (Otland) e modificado por jajajiji ------------------------------- Creditos: 10% pra mim por ter trazido para OTNet e pelo tutorial. Upgrade System consiste em um pequeno cristal que adiciona bonus ao item ,que ao ser usado em qualquer lugar revela seus atributos. OBS:Todo equipamento e arma vai até o level 10 sendo que a partir dai é impossivel refinar mais vezes, caso você falhe quando usar o cristal ele vai pro level 1,ou seja, independente de falhar ou não usando um cristal ele ganha um level. [spoiler=SS] O Script contém novas features: **Agora pode ser usado em Bows e Crossbows **Animações como Success! or Failed! **A actionid é salva quando você move,dá trade e etc... **Também mostra se tem chance de quebrar o item Agora ao Script!!! 1- Va em \data\actions\scripts\ e crie um arquivo chamado upgrade.lua e adicione isto: local messagetype = MESSAGE_EVENT_ORANGE local fetishs = { [[color=Magenta]7800[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]1[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemAttack[/color], get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, [[color=Magenta]7801[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]80[/color], amount = [color=Blue]2[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemAttack[/color], get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, [[color=Magenta]7802[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]60[/color], amount = [color=Blue]3[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemAttack[/color], get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, [[color=Magenta]7803[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]40[/color], amount = [color=Blue]4[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemAttack[/color], get = getItemAttack, name = "attack", [color=DarkOrchid]destroy = TRUE[/color]}, [[color=Magenta]7804[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]20[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemAttack[/color], get = getItemAttack, name = "attack", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7805[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]1[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemDefense[/color], get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, [[color=Magenta]7806[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]80[/color], amount = [color=Blue]2[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemDefense[/color], get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, [[color=Magenta]7807[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]60[/color], amount = [color=Blue]3[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemDefense[/color], get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, [[color=Magenta]7808[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]40[/color], amount = [color=Blue]4[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemDefense[/color], get = getItemDefense, name = "defense", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7809[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]20[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemDefense[/color], get = getItemDefense, name = "defense", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7810[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]1[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemArmor[/color], get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, [[color=Magenta]7811[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]80[/color], amount = [color=Blue]2[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemArmor[/color], get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, [[color=Magenta]7812[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]60[/color], amount = [color=Blue]3[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemArmor[/color], get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, [[color=Magenta]7813[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]40[/color], amount = [color=Blue]4[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemArmor[/color], get = getItemArmor, name = "armor", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7814[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]20[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemArmor[/color], get = getItemArmor, name = "armor", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7815[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]1[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemShootRange[/color], get = getItemShootRange, name = "range"}, [[color=Magenta]7816[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]80[/color], amount = [color=Blue]2[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemShootRange[/color], get = getItemShootRange, name = "range"}, [[color=Magenta]7817[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]60[/color], amount = [color=Blue]3[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemShootRange[/color], get = getItemShootRange, name = "range"}, [[color=Magenta]7818[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]40[/color], amount = [color=Blue]4[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemShootRange[/color], get = getItemShootRange, name = "range", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7819[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]20[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemShootRange[/color], get = getItemShootRange, name = "range", destroy = TRUE}, [[color=Magenta]7850[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemAttack[/color], get = getItemAttack, name = "attack"}, -- only given when access >= 5 [[color=Magenta]7851[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemDefense[/color], get = getItemDefense, name = "defense"}, -- only given when access >= 5 [[color=Magenta]7852[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemArmor[/color], get = getItemArmor, name = "armor"}, -- only given when access >= 5 [[color=Magenta]7853[/color]] = {chance = [color=Red]100[/color], amount = [color=Blue]5[/color], set = [color=SeaGreen]setItemShootRange[/color], get = getItemShootRange, name = "range"} -- only given when access >= 5 } local minmax = { min1 = 7800, -- minimum of the random fetishs for access < 5 max1 = 7819, -- maximum of the random fetishs for access < 5 min2 = 7850, -- minimum of the random fetishs for access >= 5 max2 = 7853, -- maximum of the random fetishs for access >= 5 } -- WARNING: look further down and your eyes will burn. -- function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if item.actionid == 0 then local new = getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 5 and math.random(minmax.min2, minmax.max2) or math.random(minmax.min1, minmax.max1) local text = "You remove the dust and revealed that it is a "..fetishs[new].chance.."% fetish for "..fetishs[new].name.." +"..fetishs[new].amount.."."..(fetishs[new].destroy ~= nil and " It has a slight chance of breaking your item." or "") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messagetype, text) doSetItemActionId(item.uid, new) doSetItemSpecialDescription(item.uid, text) setItemName(item.uid, fetishs[new].chance.."% fetish for "..fetishs[new].name.." +"..fetishs[new].amount) elseif fetishs[item.actionid] ~= nil then if fetishs[item.actionid].get(itemEx.uid) > 0 then if itemEx.actionid < 110 then local amount = math.max(0, itemEx.actionid - 100) local chance = math.random(0, 100) local text = fetishs[item.actionid].name.." upgrade on "..getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." failed." if chance <= fetishs[item.actionid].chance then fetishs[item.actionid].set(itemEx.uid, (fetishs[item.actionid].get(itemEx.uid)+fetishs[item.actionid].amount)) text = getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." "..fetishs[item.actionid].name.." +"..fetishs[item.actionid].amount.."." elseif fetishs[item.actionid].destroy ~= nil or fetishs[item.actionid].destroy == TRUE then if math.random(0, 1) == 1 then doRemoveItem(itemEx.uid) text = getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." has been destroyed." end end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, messagetype, text) doSetItemActionId(itemEx.uid, 100+(amount+1)) setItemName(itemEx.uid, getItemNameById(itemEx.itemid).." (Level "..(amount+1)..")") doSendMagicEffect(toPosition, (chance <= fetishs[item.actionid].chance and 13 or 2)) doSendAnimatedText(toPosition, (chance <= fetishs[item.actionid].chance and "Success!" or "Failed!"),(chance <= fetishs[item.actionid].chance and TEXTCOLOR_WHITE or TEXTCOLOR_RED)) doRemoveItem(item.uid) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This weapon has already been upgraded 10 times.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This item may not be upgraded.") end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, not possible.") end return TRUE end Explicando: *[7800] : Não precisa mecher, deixe como estar.Caso você seja GOD você receberá somente esse seguinets cristais [7850] ao [7853] que ja vem configurado para aumentar 5 (attack,range,defense etc...) e com 100% de chance. *chance = 100 : Chance de sucesso para refinar o equipamento ou arma. *amount = 1 : O quanto aumentará se obtiver sucesso. *set = setItemAttack : O tipo que ele aumenta.(defense,attack,Armor,Range e etc...) *destroy = TRUE : Caso você queira que o item não quebre apenas coloque FALSE.(aconselho a deixar o TRUE porque fica bem mais legal quando quebra ) 2- Vá em \data\actions\actions.xml e adicione essa tag: <action fromid="9743" toid="9744" event="script" value="upgrade.lua"/> 3 -Agora vá em \data\items\items.xml e adicione essa tag no final: <item fromid="9743" toid="9744" name="upgrade crystal"> <attribute key="weight" value="10"/> </item> Pronto galera!!!Agora só é diversão (Y) GOSTOU? Me doe V$:yes: