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Encontrado 1 registro

  1. 8.x  TeamWarOT HardCore 8.6 - Team vs Team

    TeamWarOT HardCore 8.6 - Team vs Team Fala galera, hoje estou abrindo o codigo de um projeto antigo. Algo que fiz a muito tempo. Espero ajudar a comunidade e também reviver esse estilo de servidor. Foi desenvolvido utilizando MODs, logo todo o servidor encontra-se em 3 arquivos. Database Working with SQLite and MySQL Default account admin/252525 in SQLite Operacional System Windows or Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS) Features Map X-Dreams with 5 citys (Carlin, Venore, Edron, Fibula and Thais) Auto Map Change Auto Re-Balanceamento de Teams Auto Mensagens Anti MC Gain Gold Coins on Kill Gain Experience on Kill Skull System 100 frags = Yellow Skull 200 frags = Green Skull 300 frags = White Skull 400 frags = Red Skull 500 frags = Black Skull First Skills First Items Logout Protection for First Skills Death Broadcast Best Killers Broadcast Frags onLook Configurations All configurations in config, very easy! configTWH = { maxTopRanking = 12, diffFragsToEqui = 15, antiMC = { enable = true, -- enable or disable max = 5, -- max chars with the same ip allowedIP = {""}, timeForKick = 1500, MsgKick = "You have been kicked because you are using Multi-Client.", group_id = 3 -- only kick player with group id 1 (normal players) }, -- Logout Protection Time logoutProtectionTimer = { enable = true, storage = 55552, timer = 20 * 1000 }, defaultCharStatus = true, -- true/false for enable accounts (1/1 - 2/2 - 3/3 - 4/4) defaultCharAccoutID = {10,20,30,40}, -- Sorcerer/Druid/Paladin/Knight -- OutFit Type / Color TEAMS_SET = { {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 76, lookBody = 94, lookFeet = 0}, -- Team I OutFit {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 76, lookBody = 81, lookFeet = 0}, -- Team II Outfit {lookType = 128, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0} -- NoTeam Outfit }, -- Map Type (1 = Team vs Team (Normal) 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)) mapStats = { [1] = { author = "Staff", name = "Thais", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1452, y = 1898, z = 6}, [2] = { x = 1553, y = 1857, z = 7} } }, [2] = { author = "Staff", name = "Carlin", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {4, 5}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1816, y = 1872, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1886, y = 1940, z = 6} } }, [3] = { author = "Staff", name = "Venore", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {7, 8}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 2183, y = 1921, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 2281, y = 1899, z = 7} } }, [4] = { author = "Staff", name = "Edron", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {10, 11}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 2590, y = 1907, z = 6}, [2] = { x = 2709, y = 1924, z = 7} } }, [5] = { author = "Staff", name = "Fibula", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {16, 17}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1486, y = 2123, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1522, y = 2182, z = 7} } } }, deathBroadcast = { killStorageValue = 99990, lastKillerStorage = 50000, maxPlayerGainFrag = 5, MaxLevel = { use = true, MAX = 400 }, FragCount = { use = true }, AnimeText = { use = true }, GainMoney = { use = true, coinID = 2148 }, MultiIp = { use = false }, experienceByKillingPlayers = { use = true, levelAmount = 0.6, color = 240 }, -- level gain for last hit killer killMessage = { use = true, text = "[War Stats] Frags Online: |KILLERKILLS| Frags All: |KILLERKILLSALL| Last Killer: |TARGETNAME|!", messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE }, killerAnimation = { use = true, text = "Frag!", color = 240 }, -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here. targetAnimation = { use = true, text = "Owned!", color = 151 } -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here. }, mapType = { [1] = { idType = 1, nameType = "Team vs Team", descricao = " { Team vs Team } \n\n O objetivo é matar \n jogadores de outros times." }, [4] = { idType = 4, nameType = "Deathmatch", descricao = " { Deathmatch } \n\n O objetivo é matar \n o maior numero de jogadores \n (TODOS SÃO INIMIGO!)." }, }, mapChange = { timer = 20 * 60, timerStorage = 13001, mapIdStorage = 13002, mapTypeStorage = 13005, accessIgnore = 3 }, STORAGE = { PLAYER = { TEAM_INFO = 40000, FRAGS_Online = 5000, OUTFIT_Status = 4999, }, GLOBAL = { FRAGS = {30001, 30002}, TEAMS = {40001, 40002, 40003}, TEAMS_COUNT = {40011, 40012, 40013} } }, -- Protect Area / Not Teleport in Change Map protectArea = { {fromx=102, fromy=615, fromz=8, tox=146, toy=638, toz=8}, }, startPlayer = { LevelFree = 150, LevelPremium = 180, STATS = { -- Free Account 1-4 { healthMax = 895, manaMax = 4045, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 895, manaMax = 4045, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1605, manaMax = 2165, cap = 3310, healthExt = 350, manaExt = 350, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 2315, manaMax = 745, cap = 4020, healthExt = 500, manaExt = 200, capExt = 250 }, -- Premium Account and Promotion { healthMax = 1045, manaMax = 4795, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1045, manaMax = 4795, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1905, manaMax = 2615, cap = 3310, healthExt = 350, manaExt = 350, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 2765, manaMax = 895, cap = 4020, healthExt = 500, manaExt = 200, capExt = 250 }, }, }, mensagens = { [0] = "Fique por dentro de tudo que acontece no servidor e participe do nosso Forum. Visite:", [1] = "A Equipe não se responsabiliza por perda de Items/Roubos/Accounts Hackeds. Mantenha sua account segura, nunca use Account = Senha!", [2] = "Comandos disponiveis no Servidor: !frags, !top, !rank, !online, !map, !maps, !nextMap.", [3] = "Crie Agora sua Account! Visite:", [4] = "Visite nosso TeamSpeak 3, otimo bate-papo de voz com toda Equipe e Players! Cliente antigo 3.1.8 IP: Download:!uMgzBIzY!fd1JoRq0tx41gfP1-d2f718XI19Szx_SJa8xf_3M4is " } } Commands !map !maps !frags !online !rank !top !comandos Functions List -- Maps map.get() map.removeIssue() map.getIdByName() map.set(id) -- Map Info mapInfo.mapId() mapInfo.mapIdNext() mapInfo.mapName() mapInfo.mapNameNext() -- Map Type Manager mapTypeManager.get() mapTypeManager.set(id) -- Player Team playerTeam.get(cid) playerTeam.set(cid, id) -- Frags Team fragsTeam.get(teamId) fragsTeam.add(teamId, count) fragsTeam.start(teamId) fragsTeam.rem(teamId, count) -- Team Count teamCount.get(teamId) teamCount.add(teamId, count) teamCount.start(teamId, count) teamCount.rem(teamId, count) teamCount.change(cid, team, teamGo) -- Frags frags.get(cid) frags.add(cid, amount) -- Frags Online fragsOnline.add(cid, amount) fragsOnline.get(cid) fragsOnline.cleanStart(cid) fragsOnline.cleanALL() -- Deaths deaths.get(cid) deaths.add(cid, amount) -- Outfit outfit.setTeam(cid, team) outfit.setRandomColor(cid) -- Ranking ranking.getTopFragsOnline() -- Player Set Team doPlayerSetTeam.login(cid) -- Others Functions map_change(id) isInPosition(pos, area) getSmallestTeam() getTimeMap(s) mostraTempo(cid) playerKickMC(cid) equilibrar() getCurrentPlayers() getCurrentAccounts() Mods mods/ TeamWar HardCore [War].xml mods/ First Skills [War].xml mods/ First Items [War].xml Download TeamWarOT - Github: HeberPcL/TeamWarOT ( Mega: 6.54 MB file on MEGA (