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Advanced Pet System With Races!

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deltonvaz    0

Josejunior eu gostaria de saber como fazer para ter + de 1 pet?

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VittinhoO    0

Irado, muito legal brincar com os pet's :D!

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jedian    0

POXA, você é louco! :hmm:

Fez um pet system perfeito e ainda posta!!!

Parabéns, qualquer outra pessoa, teria colocado todas as qualidades dele num tópico do mercado e, vendido por uns 5000000 v$!!

Parabéns e Obrigado!

Ta muito legal ele (Y)

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deltonvaz    0

Seu script é tão perfeito que posso desenvolver um jogo apenas utilizando as funções dele AHUSHAUSHUAHSUAHSU


Ta brinquei, mas ele é bom mesmo.

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Patric Martins    0
Patric Martins

Muito legal! O melhor script do, voces estao ficando cada vez melhores (-.^)

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VittinhoO    0

aff so pega em TFS ¬¬' ai complica

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kpdonerd    8

quantos posts é necessario pra eu criar 1 topico?

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akro    0

cara muito bem esse system veio vlw ai :)

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sequeled    0

quero baixar n, vc podia postar o codigo.

outra coisa, se o script é seu pq vc n sabe nem explicar as formulas ? rs

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josejunior23    2


1º quer baixar não? então não usa! kkk

mas prontos, tá aqui o motivo de eu não postar o 'codigo':


pra que você perde seu tempo em escrever isso?

e já agora...porque você não vai., pescar?

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josejunior23    2


poxa, pensa comigo...tudo bem que eu escrevi esse sistema por brincadeira...mas deu trabalho...e voce nao foi o primeiro a perguntar se ele e mesmo meu, e eu nao intendo porque perguntam isso o:



nenhuma ideia interessante do que posso adicionar?


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god_dreamer    1

poderia ter um sistema ranks para os pets, q q voce axa disso?


Assim como tem rank de level pra players poderia ter um para os pets.

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josejunior23    2


óptima ideia! írei tratar disso d:


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CastielAngel    0

Aqui deu este erro quando tento entrar no jogo:


[21/03/2011 01:33:04] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]

[21/03/2011 01:33:04] buffer


[21/03/2011 01:33:04] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)


[21/03/2011 01:33:04] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]

[21/03/2011 01:33:04] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:onLogin


[21/03/2011 01:33:04] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:11: attempt to index global 'aps_storages' (a nil value)

[21/03/2011 01:33:04] stack traceback:

[21/03/2011 01:33:04] mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:11: in function <mods/scripts/pet_login.lua:5>

[21/03/2011 01:33:04] Anti-Bug ON has logged out.


Não mechi nos script

não sei qual TFS mais baixei o The End V2

Pode da uma ajuda?

Editado por CastielAngel

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Kbidao    0


LEMBREI, FINALMENTE do que ia pedir pra voce colocar no sistema.

Nao sei se sua área é só .lua, + se voce souber tmb alguma coisa de .php, vo pedir.

Ia ficar MUITO FODA, colocar pra aparecer nos status dos players nas paginas "procurar personagem"

a foto do pet que o player usa e o level



Player : Fulano

Level : 100

Vocação : sorcerer

Criado : ONTEM

Pet : FOTOAQUI / LEVEL / & outros caso queira implementar ;B


é isso.

Me responsa se é possivel ou nao, tu tentar fazer isso, pra eu nao ficar vindo aqui atoa, sem saber se voce vai ou nao tentar fazer.


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Johnbrasil    0

Ae amigão.. seguinte... estava testando o sitema no meu site.. e sei la, nao aparece nenhum erro cara.. mas quando so Elite Knight tenta comprar os pets, ninguem consegue comprar, ninguem mesmo, todas as outras vocs consegue, mas os EK não compram... e pior que eu ja vi no "aps_config" e lá está configurado para que os EK pudessem comprar, mas não dá pra comprar....


Olha aqui o aps_config:


-- Advanced Pet System By Races
--       scripted by josejunior
-- /
--     especial thanks to TFS!
aps_tools = {
   commands = {
       enablePetWar = true, -- enable pet war ? true / false
       revivePetAfterWar = true, -- if pet get kill in war, revive him? true / false
       enableReviveCommand = true, -- able players to use /pet-revive ? true / false
       giveItemToPlayer = true, -- when use /pet-carry 1 (to get item back), give to player or drop on floor? true=give/false=drop
       playerSellPet = {sell = true, lvl = 3}, -- sell pet to pet-trainer <sell = true or false> <lvl = Pet lvl needed> price: Petprice * PetLvl 
       enablePetTeleport = {tp = true, logout = false, distance = 6}, -- info under this line...
       -- tp = teleport pet to player? true or false, logout = if player enter in a pz zone, logout pet? true/false, if false pet will walk with your in pz, but i recommend u to set true
       -- distance = if distance between player/pet more than 6, then teleport!
       petGainExpFromPlayers = true, -- Pets gain exp from others players? true / false
       petGainExpFromPets = true, -- Pets gain exp from others pets? true / false
       countKilledPlayers = true, -- When Pet kill a player, count = killedPlayers+1
       countKilledMonsters = true, -- When Pet kill a monster, count = killedMonsters+1        
       enablePetTurn = true, -- if player turn to a direction then his pet will look too? true / false
       enablePetLook = true, -- if player look to a pet, show pet name, lvl and owner? true / false    
       dropMsgOnLogin = false, -- when player login for the first time, he get a msg, how send the msg? true=drop/false=send on console
       systemMessageColour = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, -- all messages will send with this colour
       windowsType = {sendInTextDialog = false}, -- false to PopupFYI or true to TextDialog
       enableLoveCommand = {enable = true, wait_time = 300}, -- enable /pet-love? true / false, wait_time in seconds!
       enablePartyCommand =  true -- enable /pet-love? true / false, wait_time in seconds!        
   protectionLevel = 0, -- Pet protection level, 0 to disable.
   lenght = 30, -- max letters pet can say
   show_item = 11138, -- show a nightmare doll when use /pet-status, /pet-carry slots, etc...
   sayWait = 30, -- when use /pet-say player will not be able to use again for 30 sec
   location = "at 'cityname' to the north.", -- location of pet trainer.
   skulls = {
       [1] = {
           -- White Skull Configuration (when player w/ his pet attack a player WITHOUT skull)
           enable = true, -- enable? True/False
           skull = SKULL_WHITE,
           time = 60 -- in seconds
       [2] = {
           -- Red Skull Configuration (when player w/ his pet kill a player WITHOUT skull)
           enable = false, -- enable? True/False
           skull = SKULL_RED,
           time = 900, -- (60 sec x 15 == 900 sec == 15 minutes)
           killsToRed = 3
   magicLevelRate = 4,    
   stages = { -- EXPERIENCE CONFIG! from minlevel to maxlevel XP will multiplier.
       {minlevel=1, maxlevel=10, multiplier=6},
       {minlevel=10, maxlevel=20, multiplier=4},        
       {minlevel=20, multiplier=2}
   v = "wdk", -- dont touch here.
   s = "olëä×àíÖËæÝÒ" -- dont touch here if you want get this to work.
aps_storages = { -- using storages from 1337 to 1415
   race = 1337,
   id = 1338,
   uid = 1339,
   pet = 1340,
   ml = 1341,
   level = 1342,
   lastHealth = 1343, 
   health = 1344,
   mana = 1345,
   manaMax = 1346,
   skull_1 = 1347,
   skull_2 = 1348,
   counter = 1349,
   counter_2 = 1350,
   alert = 1351, 
   kill = 1352,
   love = 1353, -- not in use!
   party = 1354,
   tries = {
       lvl = 1355, -- Experience
       ml = 1356 -- manaSpend
   exhaustion = {
       exh = 1357,
       exh_heal = 1358,
       exh_speed = 1359,
       exh_attack = 1360,
       exh_food = 1361,
       exh_say = 1362,
       exh_eat = 1363,
       exh_love = 1364
   spells = {
       learn_heal = 1365,
       learn_speed = 1365,
       learn_fire = 1367,
       learn_ice = 1368,
       learn_berserk = 1369,
       learn_exchange = 1370,
       learn_challenge = 1371,    
       learn_poison = 1372,    
       learn_energy = 1373,    
       learn_max_heal = 1374,
       learn_groundshake = 1375,
       learn_control = 1376,
       learn_fireball = 1377,
       learn_sludge = 1378,
       learn_granmort = 1379
   --     obs if you gonna add something here, give a look to the last storage at shortkeys!    
   war = {
       war = 1380,
       invite = 1381,
       enemy = 1382,
       win = 1383,
       lost = 1384,
       bestEnemy = 1385
   shortkeys = {
       ["a1"] = 1386,
       ["a2"] = 1387,
       ["a3"] = 1388,
       ["a4"] = 1389,
       ["a5"] = 1390,
       ["a6"] = 1391,
       ["a7"] = 1492,
       ["a8"] = 1493,
       ["a9"] = 1494,
       ["a10"] = 1495
aps_missions = {
   ["dwarf hunter"] = {
       id = 1496,
       check = 1497, 
       request = {itemid = 5880, count = 10}, -- need 10 iron ores
       reward = {id = 2476, count = 1, exp = 1000}, -- reward 1 demon shield and 1000 exp points
       description = "Oohh! this is a good mission for you! easy and fast!"
   ["demon hunter"] = {
       id = 1498,
       check = 1499, 
       request = {itemid = 5906, count = 100}, -- need 100 demon dust
       reward = {id = false, count = 0, exp = 50000},  -- reward 50000 exp points
       description = "Oohh! for this mission you'll need to spend some time!"        
   ["boss hunter"] = {
       id = 1502,
       check = 1503, 
       request = {itemid = 2421, count = 1}, -- need 1 thunder hammer
       reward = {id = 2160, count = 100, exp = false}, -- reward 100 crystal coins
       description = "Oohh! You need a loot from a monster!"    
aps_texts = {
   smiles_normal = {":)", "(:", ":-)", "=)", "=>"},
   smiles_happy = {":D", "=D", ":P", "=D", "=P"},
   smiles_sad = {"/:", ":/", ":|", ":l", ":I"},
   smiles_bad = {":@", "=(", ":(", "=[", ":C"},
   voices_call = {"HERE I AM", "I LIVE TO SERVE YOU", "DID YOU CALL ME", "WHATS UP"},
   voices_back = {"SEE YAA!", "BYE BYE!", "CYA!", "GOOD BYE :)", "TCHAU?"},    
   no_target = {"I NEED A TARGET!!!", "I DONT HAVE A TARGET.", "NEED TARGET!"},
   no_mana = {"I NEED MANA!!!", "NO ENOUGH MANA..", "IM OUT OF MANA!", "NEED MANA!"},    
   no_food = {"FOOD? WHERE!?", "I SEE NO FOOD...", "NAHH, NO MORE FOOD ON MY SLOTS!", "YEAH...FOOD?"},
   food_voices = {"HMMM...", "HNNHN..", "CRUNCH", "CRUSH..."},
   exh_texts = {"Hey Comon I'M EXHAUSTED!!!", "CAN YOU WAIT SOME?", "OK, IN ONE SECOND!", "HAAM? DUDE WAIT!"},            
   exh_food_texts = {"HEY DUDE IM FULL..", "NAHH, I'M COOL...", "FOOD? NO MORE!", "MAYBE IN FEW SECONDS.."}
aps_pets = { -- how to config -> lvlNext = lvl need to evolve, hp = health gain per lvl, same to mana, multiplier = how fast gain magic level
   [1] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Minotaur", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 4, hp = 10, mana = 20, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Minotaur Guard", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 8},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Minotaur Archer", priceRevive = 3000, lvlNext = 13},    
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Minotaur Mage", priceRevive = 5000}                    
   [2] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Orc", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 3, hp = 10, mana = 20, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Orc Spearman", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 5},            
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Orc Warrior", priceRevive = 3000, lvlNext = 7},    
       [4] = {pet = "[PET] Orc Berserker", priceRevive = 4000, lvlNext = 9},    
       [5] = {pet = "[PET] Orc Leader", priceRevive = 5000, lvlNext = 13},    
       [6] = {pet = "[PET] Orc Warlord", priceRevive = 7000}                
   [3] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Priestess", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 5, hp = 8, mana = 25, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Necromancer", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Necropharus", priceRevive = 5000}                
   [4] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Skeleton", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 6, hp = 25, mana = 8, multiplier = 1.5},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Demon Skeleton", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Undead Gladiator", priceRevive = 5000}                
   [5] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Dragon Hatchling", priceRevive = 10000, lvlNext = 7, hp = 25, mana = 8, multiplier = 1.5},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Dragon", priceRevive = 20000, lvlNext = 15},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Dragon Lord", priceRevive = 30000}                
   [6] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Dwarf", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 3, hp = 8, mana = 25, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Dwarf Soldier", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 7},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Dwarf Guard", priceRevive = 3000, lvlNext = 13},
       [4] = {pet = "[PET] Dwarf Geomancer", priceRevive = 5000},        
   [7] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Cyclops", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 7, hp = 25, mana = 8, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Cyclops Drone", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Cyclops Smith", priceRevive = 3000}
   [8] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Elf", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 7, hp = 30, mana = 15, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Elf Scout", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Elf Arcanist", priceRevive = 3000}
   [9] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Mercury Blob", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 6, hp = 30, mana = 15, multiplier = 1.0},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Acid Blob", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Death Blob", priceRevive = 3000}
   [10] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Dworc Fleshhunter", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 7, hp = 35, mana = 25, multiplier = 1.5},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Dworc Venomsniper", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Dworc Voodoomaster", priceRevive = 3000}
   [11] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Chakoya Toolshaper", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 7, hp = 35, mana = 25, multiplier = 1.5},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Chakoya Tribewarden", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Chakoya Windcaller", priceRevive = 3000}
   [12] = {
       [1] = {pet = "[PET] Spider", priceRevive = 1000, lvlNext = 7, hp = 35, mana = 25, multiplier = 1.5},
       [2] = {pet = "[PET] Poison Spider", priceRevive = 2000, lvlNext = 13},
       [3] = {pet = "[PET] Tarantula", priceRevive = 3000}
[b]aps_pets_config = { -- how to config ->  price = price to buy pet, hp = pet start health, same to mana
   ["minotaurs"] = {race_id = 1, price = 2000, hp = 150, mana = 55, vocs = {"Sorcerer","Druid","Paladin","Kngiht","Master Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["orcs"] = {race_id = 2, price = 2000, hp = 150, mana = 55, vocs = {"Sorcerer","Druid","Paladin","Kngiht","Master Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["necromancers"] = {race_id = 3, price = 2000, hp = 90, mana = 200, vocs = {"Paladin","Knight","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["undeads"] = {race_id = 4, price = 2000, hp = 170, mana = 50, vocs = {"Druid","Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Master Sorcerer"}},
   ["dragons"] = {race_id = 5, price = 2000, hp = 160, mana = 40, vocs = {"Druid","Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Master Sorcerer"}},
   ["dwarfs"] = {race_id = 6, price = 2000, hp = 150, mana = 55, vocs = {"Druid","Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Master Sorcerer"}},
   ["giants"] = {race_id = 7, price = 2000, hp = 170, mana = 30, vocs = {"Druid","Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Master Sorcerer"}},
   ["elfs"] = {race_id = 8, price = 2000, hp = 90, mana = 220, vocs = {"Sorcerer","Druid","Paladin","Kngiht","Master Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["blobs"] = {race_id = 9, price = 2000, hp = 230, mana = 20, vocs = {"Paladin","Knight","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["dworcs"] = {race_id = 10, price = 2000, hp = 240, mana = 60, vocs = {"Paladin","Knight","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["chakoyas"] = {race_id = 11, price = 2000, hp = 150, mana = 55, vocs = {"Paladin","Knight","Royal Paladin","Elite Knight"}},
   ["aracnids"] = {race_id = 12, price = 2000, hp = 160, mana = 40, vocs = {"Druid","Sorcerer","Elder Druid","Master Sorcerer"}}  [/b]  
aps_slots = { -- how to config -> 1396 == item, 1397 == item count(you can add as much as you want, just follow the storages
   [1] = 1396,
   [2] = 1398,
   [3] = 1400,
   [4] = 1402,
   [5] = 1404,
   [6] = 1406,
   [7] = 1408,
   [8] = 1410,
   [9] = 1412,
   [10] = 1414,
aps_foods = { -- how to config -> time = pet will eat for X sec, hpAmmount/manaAmmount = pets gain health/mana each TICKS seconds.
   ["banana"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 10, manaAmmount = 25, ticks = 3},
   ["meat"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 18, manaAmmount = 7, ticks = 3},
   ["ham"] = {time = 30, hpAmmount = 20, manaAmmount = 8, ticks = 3},
   ["dragon ham"] = {time = 60, hpAmmount = 25, manaAmmount = 12, ticks = 3},
   ["cheese"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 8, manaAmmount = 23, ticks = 3},    
   ["apple"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 10, manaAmmount = 25, ticks = 3},
   ["white mushroom"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 10, manaAmmount = 25, ticks = 3},
   ["fish"] = {time = 15, hpAmmount = 15, manaAmmount = 15, ticks = 3},
   ["salmon"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 20, manaAmmount = 20, ticks = 4},
   ["coconut"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 10, manaAmmount = 25, ticks = 3},
   ["brown mushroom"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 25, manaAmmount = 10, ticks = 3},
   ["white mushroom"] = {time = 20, hpAmmount = 10, manaAmmount = 25, ticks = 3}    
aps_potions = {
   ["small health potion"] = {hpAmmount = 25, text = 'Guuup!'},    
   ["health potion"] = {hpAmmount = 55, text = 'Aaaah...'},    
   ["mana potion"] = {manaAmmount = 55, text = 'Aaaah...'},
   ["strong mana potion"] = {manaAmmount = 85, text = 'Aaaaaah...'},
   ["strong health potion"] = {hpAmmount = 85, text = 'Aaaaaah...'},
   ["great mana potion"] = {manaAmmount = 105, text = 'Aaaaaah...'},
   ["great health potion"] = {hpAmmount = 105, text = 'Aaaaaah...'}
aps_attacks = {
   ["heal"] = {ml = 1, lvl = 1, races = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}, info = "None", self = 1, offensive = -1, mana = 10, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_heal, exh_time = 5, price = 100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_heal,
       area = 0, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_HEALING, effectType = CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE, text = '+HEALING', textColor = 16,
       formula = {maxb = 0.5, maxa = 20, minb = 0.6, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false        
   ["max heal"] = {ml = 15, lvl = 13, races = {3, 10, 11}, info = "None", self = 1, offensive = -1, mana = 60, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_heal, exh_time = 15, price = 100, needLearn = true, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_max_heal,
       area = 6, range = 2, combatType = COMBAT_HEALING, effectType = CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE, text = '+MAX HEAL', textColor = 16,
       formula = {maxb = 0.4, maxa = 20, minb = 0.6, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false        
   ["speed"] = {ml = 1, lvl = 2, races = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}, info = "None", mana = 20, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_speed, exh_time = 30, price = 1100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_speed,
       hasFunction = function (parameters)
           local pet, cid = getPlayerPet(parameters.cid), parameters.cid
           doChangeSpeed(pet, getCreatureSpeed(cid))
           addEvent(doChangeSpeed, 30 * 1000, pet, -getCreatureSpeed(cid))
           addEvent(doPlayerSendCancel, 30 * 1000, cid, "[buff] Speed as finished.")
           addEvent(doSendMagicEffect, 30 * 1000, getPetPos(cid), CONST_ME_POFF)
           doSendMagicEffect(getPetPos(cid), 14)
           doSendAnimatedText(getPetPos(cid), "+SPEED", math.random(150, 200))                        
   ["fire"] = {ml = 1, lvl = 3, races = {1, 2, 3, 5, 8}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 25, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_fire,
       area = 4, range = 3, combatType = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, effectType = CONST_ME_FIREAREA, shotType = 3, 
       formula = {maxb = 0.2, maxa = 13, minb = 0.2, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["fireball"] = {ml = 7, lvl = 15, races = {5}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 75, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 10, price = 2100, needLearn = true, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_fireball,
       area = 10, range = 1, combatType = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, effectType = CONST_ME_FIREAREA,
       formula = {maxb = 0.3, maxa = 14, minb = 0.3, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["ice"] = {ml = 4, lvl = 7, races = {3, 8, 11}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 35, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_ice,
       area = 4, range = 3, combatType = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE, effectType = CONST_ME_ICEATTACK, shotType = 36,  
       formula = {maxb = 0.3, maxa = 15, minb = 0.3, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["poison"] = {ml = 2, lvl = 5, races = {3, 9, 10, 12}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 45, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_poison,
       area = 6, range = 3, combatType = COMBAT_POISONDAMAGE, effectType = CONST_ME_GREEN_RINGS, shotType = 38,         
       formula = {maxb = 0.2, maxa = 17, minb = 0.2, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["energy"] = {ml = 6, lvl = 10, races = {3, 8, 10, 11}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 55, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_energy,
       area = 4, range = 3, combatType = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, effectType = CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT, shotType = 4,         
       formula = {maxb = 0.3, maxa = 20, minb = 0.3, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["berserk"] = {ml = 3, lvl = 5, races = {4, 5, 6, 7}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 15, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 10, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_berserk,
       area = 2, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, effectType = 9, 
       formula = {maxb = 0.3, maxa = 20, minb = 0.3, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["groundshake"] = {ml = 7, lvl = 3, races = {4, 7}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 15, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_groundshake,
       area = 6, range = 0, combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, effectType = CONST_ME_GROUNDSHAKER, 
       formula = {maxb = 0.2, maxa = 15, minb = 0.2, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["sludge"] = {ml = 7, lvl = 13, races = {3, 9, 10, 12}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 25, needTarget = true, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 7, price = 2100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_sludge,
       area = 0, range = 5, combatType = COMBAT_POISONDAMAGE, effectType = 20, shotType = 10,         
       formula = {maxb = 0.3, maxa = 18, minb = 0.3, mina = 0},
       hasFunction = false
   ["gran mort"] = {ml = 20, lvl = 20, races = {9, 3, 10}, info = "None", self = 0, offensive = 1, mana = 200, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 15, price = 3100, needLearn = true, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_granmort,
       hasFunction = function (parameters)    
           function createAttack(combat, effect, dist)     
               local formula, petPos = petFormula(getPetLvl(parameters.cid), getPetMl(parameters.cid), 0.2, 20, 0.2, 0), getPetPos(parameters.cid) 
               local attackGo, attackBack = {x = petPos.x + math.random(-7, 7), y = petPos.y  + math.random(-7, 7), z = petPos.z}, {x = petPos.x + math.random(-2, 2), y = petPos.y + math.random(-2, 2), z = petPos.z}
               doSendDistanceShoot(petPos, attackGo, 10) 
               doSendMagicEffect(attackGo, effect)        
               addEvent(doAreaCombatHealth, 300, getPlayerPet(parameters.cid), combat, attackBack,  0, math.floor(formula.minD*-1*1), math.floor(formula.maxD*-1*1), effect) 
               addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, attackGo, petPos, 31) 

           for i = 1, 20 do 
               addEvent(createAttack, 300 * i, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE, CONST_ME_MORTAREA)
   ["exchange"] = {ml = 2, lvl = 5, races = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}, info = "exchange HP for MP", mana = 0, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 4, price = 3100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_exchange,
       hasFunction = function (parameters)    
           if(getCreatureHealth(getPlayerPet(parameters.cid)) > 20) then
               doCreatureAddHealth(getPlayerPet(parameters.cid), -20)
               addPetMana(parameters.cid, 20)
               doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerPet(parameters.cid)), 14)
               doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerPet(parameters.cid)), "+MANA", math.random(150, 200))
   ["challenge"] = {ml = 3, lvl = 4, races = {4, 7}, info = "challenge an enemy", mana = 24, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 3100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_challenge,
       hasFunction = function (parameters)   
           local petPos = getCreaturePosition(getPlayerPet(parameters.cid))
           local enemy = getSpectators(petPos, 1, 1)
           if(#enemy > 0) then
               for i = 1, #enemy do
                   if(isMonster(enemy[i])) then
                       doMonsterSetTarget(enemy[i], getPlayerPet(parameters.cid))
                       doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(enemy[i]), 14)
   ["control"] = {ml = 2, lvl = 6, races = {1, 2, 6, 10, 12}, info = "control enemy mind", mana = 60, exh = aps_storages.exhaustion.exh_attack, exh_time = 5, price = 3100, needLearn = false, learnstg = aps_storages.spells.learn_control,
       hasFunction = function (parameters)   
           local petPos, pet, cid = getCreaturePosition(getPlayerPet(parameters.cid)), getPlayerPet(parameters.cid), parameters.cid
           local convinceable_1 = {"Orc", "Minotaur", "Dwarf"}
           local convinceable_2 = { "Bear", "Rat", "Bug", "Wolf", "Winter Wolf", "Cave Rat", "Spider", "Poison Spider", "Skeleton"}
           local function doConvince(uid)
               if(uid ~= pet) then
                   if not(isPlayer(getCreatureMaster(uid))) then
                       if(isInArray({1, 2, 6, 12}, getPetRace(cid))) then
                           if(isInArray(convinceable_1, getCreatureName(uid))) then
                               doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(uid), 31)
                               doConvinceCreature(pet, uid)
                       elseif(isInArray({10, 11}, getPetRace(cid))) then
                           if(isInArray(convinceable_2, getCreatureName(uid))) then
                               doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(uid), 31)
                               doConvinceCreature(pet, uid)
           local spectators = getSpectators(petPos, 1, 1)
           if(#spectators > 0) then
               for i = 1, #spectators do
                   if(isMonster(spectators[i])) then


O que está errado amigão?? fico no aguardo...

Editado por Mickfern

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god_dreamer    1

Faz uma parada pra de por ni site tbm :D

Editado por god_dreamer

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tomuitoloko    0

Erro Console: [09/04/2011 18:59:59] Lua Script Error: [Npc interface]

[09/04/2011 18:59:59] data/npc/scripts/Pet-Trainer.lua:onThink

[09/04/2011 18:59:59]

[09/04/2011 18:59:59] data/npc/scripts/Pet-Trainer.lua:281: attempt to call global 'getNpcId' (a nil value)

[09/04/2011 19:00:00] stack traceback:

[09/04/2011 19:00:00] data/npc/scripts/Pet-Trainer.lua:281: in function <data/npc/scripts/Pet-Trainer.lua:273>

Quando acontece: quando abre o ot

Oque mudei no script: nada so colei as coisa na pasta do ot, nao na pasta data na do ot mesmo e boa

Versão do TFS: 0.3.4

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Ukirow    0

SHAUSH Vlw mesmo ! Tava precisando disso faz tempo, e outra, eu fiz 2 Novas Raças de PET's só para GMS: Holys e Demons (Holys: Raça Sagrada tipo Yalahari)(Demons: Demonios tipo Demon,Orshabaal,Juggernaut). E tbm fiz comandos para GM para editar LEVEL, MANA, HP, ETC.. tipo /petlevel 123 , /pethealth 123.


USHAUHS Tbm tirei porque tava me atrapalhando a fazer outras coisas.. é mto facil.. eu só ... [sEGREDO] shaushua'

Editado por Garou
Evite o double post.

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tomuitoloko    0




Erro Console:

[11/04/2011 22:17:35] [Error - TalkAction Interface]

[11/04/2011 22:17:36] In a timer event called from:

[11/04/2011 22:17:36] mods/scripts/aps_pets.lua:onSay

[11/04/2011 22:17:36] Description:

[11/04/2011 22:17:36] data/lib/APS_lib.lua:182: attempt to call global 'isNumber' (a nil value)

[11/04/2011 22:17:36] stack traceback:

[11/04/2011 22:17:36] data/lib/APS_lib.lua:182: in function <data/lib/APS_lib.lua:163>




Quando acontece: quando da /pet

Oque mudei no script: nada

Versão do TFS: globr server 8.60


Tipoww quando eu sumono o pet da o seguinte erro la no console e o pet me ataca e n me obedece eu ja mudei para

flag convinceable="1" la no monsters mais nao adianta :s valeu.

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