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Penny - Isle of Solitude {Tibia NPC}

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Nottinghster    0

Olá galerinha!


Eu estava testando como funciona o formato original de NPC da OpenTibia que é mais ou menos baseado no formato original de NPC da Cipsoft, como exemplo eu peguei o NPC Penny que fica localizado na Isle of Solitude mais conhecida como GM Island




Finalmente eu entendi como funciona esse sistema.

Irei postar aqui o arquivo original da Cipsoft, com o Jiddo System e com o Sistema da OpenTibia pra vocês verem como funcionam ;]


Arquivo original:

# GIMUD - Graphical Interface Multi User Dungeon
# penny.npc: Datenbank für die GM-Gehilfin Penny

Name = "Penny"
Sex = female
Race = 1
Outfit = (137,96-79-95-96)
Home = [32315,31936,7]
Radius = 2
GoStrength = 10

Behaviour = {
ADDRESS,"hello$",male,!   -> "Welcome home, Sir %N."
ADDRESS,"hi$",male,!      -> *
ADDRESS,"hello$",female,! -> "Welcome home, Lady %N."
ADDRESS,"hi$",female,!    -> *
ADDRESS,!                 -> Idle
BUSY,"hi$",male,!         -> "Just a minute, Sir %N.", Queue
BUSY,"hello$",male,!      -> *
BUSY,"hi$",female,!       -> "Just a minute, Lady %N.", Queue
BUSY,"hello$",female,!    -> *
BUSY,!                    -> NOP
VANISH,!                  -> "May Justice be with you!"

"bye"          -> "May Justice be with you!", Idle
"farewell"     -> *
"name"         -> "I am miss Penny, your secretary."
"job"          -> "I'm your secretary. I'm organizing all those criminal records and your mail."
"criminal"     -> "<Sigh> It's an evil world, isn't it?"
"record"       -> *
"mail"         -> "You can get a letter from me."
"letter"       -> "Here you are.", Create(3505)



Jiddo NPC System

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<npc name="Penny" script="default.lua" walkinterval="1000" access="3" floorchange="0">
   <health now="100" max="100"/>
   <look type="137" head="96" body="79" legs="95" feet="96" addons="0"/>

       <parameter key="message_greet" value="Welcome home, Sir |PLAYERNAME|"/>
       <parameter key="message_farewell" value="May Justice be with you!."/>

       <parameter key="module_keywords" value="1" />
       <parameter key="keywords" value="name;job;mail;criminal;" />
       <parameter key="keyword_reply1" value="I am miss Penny, your secretary." />
       <parameter key="keyword_reply2" value="I'm your secretary. I'm organizing all those criminal records and your mail." />
       <parameter key="keyword_reply3" value="You can get a letter from me." />
       <parameter key="keyword_reply4" value="It's an evil world, isn't it?" />

       <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/>
       <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="" />
       <parameter key="shop_sellable" value="" />


OpenTibia System

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<npc name="Penny" floorchange="0" walkinterval="1000">
 <health now="150" max="150"/>
 <look type="137" head="96" body="79" legs="95" feet="96"/>

 <interaction range="2" idletimeout="30">

   <interact keywords="hi" param="male" focus="1">
     <!--Essas são palavras-chaves alternativas-->
     <response text="Welcome home, Sir |NAME|."/>

   <interact keywords="hi" param="female" focus="1">
     <!--Essas são palavras-chaves alternativas-->
     <response text="Welcome home, Lady |NAME|."/>

   <interact keywords="bye" focus="0">
     <!--Essas são palavras-chaves alternativas-->
     <response text="May Justice be with you!"/>

   <interact event="onBusy" param="male">
     <response text="Just a minute, Sir |NAME|.">
       <action name="addqueue" value="|PLAYER|"/>

       <interact event="onBusy" param="female">
     <response text="Just a minute, Lady |NAME|.">
       <action name="addqueue" value="|PLAYER|"/>

   <interact event="onPlayerLeave" focus="0">
     <response text="May Justice be with you!"/>

   <interact keywords="name">
     <response text="I am miss Penny, your secretary."/>

   <interact keywords="job">
     <response text="I'm your secretary. I'm organizing all those criminal records and your mail."/>

   <interact keywords="criminal">
     <response text="It's an evil world, isn't it?"/>

   <interact keywords="record">
     <response text="It's an evil world, isn't it?"/>

   <interact keywords="mail">
     <response text="You can get a letter from me."/>

   <interact keywords="letter">
     <response text="Here you are.">
           <action name="giveitem" value="2597"/>





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Oneshot    24

Aprovado e Movido.

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UnvicteD    0

legal legal, bom script.

bom se todos os scripts fosse no estilo do primeiro citado . :]

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