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Gerador de Flags e Custon Flags

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gamberlay    0

Venho aqui para traser dois sites geradores de flags


Standard (OTServ) flags generator:

TheForgottenServer custom flags generator:

Voce pode fazer uma flag no "Standard" e depois fazer o update dele no "TheForgottenServer custom flags generator" e acrescentar mais algumas coisas.


[b]Character flags[/b]
- Can report bugs with CTRL + Z: Player can use CTRL + Z window to report bugs, which are stored in data/reports/
- Can see thing position on look: Player can see position of item/tile/creature/player when clicking 'Look' on it
- Can see item details on look: Player can see item details when clicking 'Look' on it
- Can see creature details on look: Player can see creature health and mana points when clicking 'Look' on it
- Cannot be searched with exiva: Player cannot be searched with exiva "NAME spell
- Has gamemaster privileges: Gives player special privileges = {
* Can login with Gamemaster Mode (allows to Multi Client)
* Can see both trade channels
* Isn't displayed in online users printed by [i]/online[/i] command when set in config [i]displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand[/i] to [i]no[/i]
- Can throw items without limits: Player can throw items between floors without any restrictions
- Can push any item: Player can push not pushable items, eg. quest chests
- Can teleport to unstandable tiles: Player can stand on unstandable floors, eg. walls or water
- Can move items from far: Player can move items from far, without need of standing near them
- Has full light by default: Player has full light displayed in client (like Light Hack)
- Has infinite stamina hours
- Is protected
- Is immune to fields
- Doesn't gain skulls
- Doesn't gain unjustified kills
- Can see [i]Staff[/i] channel
- Can see [i]Counsellor[/i] channel
- Display group name instead vocation in description: Displays group name instead of vocation name when looking on player.
- Hide level in description: Doesn't show player level when looking on player.

[b]Account flags[/b] ([i]These are checked for account, so you need to set account 'group_id' field to have effect[/i])
- Can login multiple chars at same time: Can login on unlimited amount of chars on one account at the same time
- Character can logout anytime and anywhere         



Creditos: lef de um outro forum de otserv.

Editado por gamberlay

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