Movie 5 #1 Posted March 2, 2021 [AntiBot] Fiz esse sistema para o Thunder porém vou deixá-lo a parte nesse tópico aqui para quem quiser implementar em seu otserv. Lembrando que esse sistema é para TFS 1.X e qualquer sugestão/problema nesse sistema, deve ser reportado no GitHub. Crie um arquivo na pasta lib com o nome antibot.lua ANTIBOT = { prefix = "[AntiBot] ", questions = { {question = "Qual o ano que começou o COVID-19?", staticAnswer = true, answer = "2019"}, {question = "Qual seu skill atual de Sword?", skill = true, answer = SKILL_SWORD}, {question = "Qual seu skill atual de Club?", skill = true, answer = SKILL_CLUB}, {question = "Qual seu skill atual de Distance?", skill = true, answer = SKILL_DISTANCE}, {question = "Qual seu level atual?", answer = "level"}, {question = "Qual o dia de hoje?", answer = "day"}, }, playerQuestion = {}, messages = { time = "Você possui %s para responder a pergunta.", chat = "Esse chat só pode ser usado durante a verificação.", howAnswer = "Você deve responder somente a resposta, por exemplo: Qual o dia de hoje? Resposta: %d", correctAnswer = "Você acertou a pergunta. Obrigado.", incorrectAnswer = "Você errou a resposta, você ainda possui %d tentativas.", logout = "Você não pode deslogar enquanto hover uma verificação ativa.", }, punishment = { try = { max = 3, reason = "Quantidade excessiva de tentativas.", timePunishment = 1, -- In days players = {}, }, time = { maxTime = 180, -- In seconds reason = "Não respondeu a pergunta dentro do tempo estipulado.", timePunishment = 2, -- In days players = {}, }, }, verification = {40, 60}, -- in minutes } function ANTIBOT:addTry(playerId) local player = Player(playerId) if not player then return false end playerId = player:getId() if not ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] then ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] = 0 end ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] = ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] + 1 if ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] and ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] >= ANTIBOT.punishment.try.max then sendChannelMessage(13, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.punishment.try.reason) ANTIBOT:addPunishment(playerId) end end function ANTIBOT:time(playerId) local player = Player(playerId) if not player then ANTIBOT:reset(playerId) return false end playerId = player:getId() if not ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] then ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] = 0 ANTIBOT:sendQuestions(playerId) end addEvent(function() if ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] and ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] >= 0 and ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] < ANTIBOT.punishment.time.maxTime then ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] = ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] + 1 player:sendCancelMessage(ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.messages.time:format(string.diff(ANTIBOT.punishment.time.maxTime - ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId], true))) ANTIBOT:time(playerId) end end, 1000) if ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] and ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] >= ANTIBOT.punishment.time.maxTime then ANTIBOT:addPunishment(playerId) end end function ANTIBOT:sendQuestions(playerId) local player = Player(playerId) if not player then return false end playerId = player:getId() random = math.random(#ANTIBOT.questions) ANTIBOT.playerQuestion[playerId] = random player:say("ANTIBOT", TALKTYPE_MONSTER_SAY) player:openChannel(13) addEvent(sendChannelMessage, 500, 13, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.messages.howAnswer:format("%d"))) addEvent(sendChannelMessage, 800, 13, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.questions[random].question) end function ANTIBOT:reset(playerId) ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] = nil ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] = nil ANTIBOT.playerQuestion[playerId] = nil end function ANTIBOT:addPunishment(playerId) local player = Player(playerId) if not player then return false end playerId = player:getId() local accountId = getAccountNumberByPlayerName(player:getName()) if accountId == 0 then return false end local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT 1 FROM `account_bans` WHERE `account_id` = " .. accountId) if resultId ~= false then return false end local timeNow = os.time() if ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] and ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[playerId] >= ANTIBOT.punishment.try.max then db.query("INSERT INTO `account_bans` (`account_id`, `reason`, `banned_at`, `expires_at`, `banned_by`) VALUES (" .. accountId .. ", " .. db.escapeString(ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.punishment.try.reason) .. ", " .. timeNow .. ", " .. timeNow + (ANTIBOT.punishment.try.timePunishment * 86400) .. ", " .. player:getGuid() .. ")") elseif ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] and ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[playerId] >= ANTIBOT.punishment.time.maxTime then db.query("INSERT INTO `account_bans` (`account_id`, `reason`, `banned_at`, `expires_at`, `banned_by`) VALUES (" .. accountId .. ", " .. db.escapeString(ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.punishment.time.reason) .. ", " .. timeNow .. ", " .. timeNow + (ANTIBOT.punishment.time.timePunishment * 86400) .. ", " .. player:getGuid() .. ")") end ANTIBOT:reset(playerId) player:save() player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) player:remove() end Não esqueça de registrar essa lib no arquivo lib.lua Na pasta chachannels/scripts crie um arquivo chamado antibot.lua function onJoin(player) if not ANTIBOT.playerQuestion[player:getId()] then player:sendTextMessage(5, ANTIBOT.prefix .. player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) return false end return true end function onLeave(player) if ANTIBOT.playerQuestion[player:getId()] then return false end return true end function onSpeak(player, type, message) if not ANTIBOT.playerQuestion[player:getId()] then sendChannelMessage(13, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, ANTIBOT.prefix .. player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) return false end local question = ANTIBOT.questions[ANTIBOT.playerQuestion[player:getId()]] if question.skill then correctAnswer = tonumber(player:getSkillLevel(question.answer)) message = tonumber(message) elseif question.answer == "level" then correctAnswer = tonumber(player:getLevel()) message = tonumber(message) elseif question.answer == "day" then correctAnswer = tonumber("%d")) message = tonumber(message) elseif question.staticAnswer then message = message:lower() correctAnswer = question.answer:lower() end verification = false if message == correctAnswer then verification = true end if verification then addEvent(sendChannelMessage, 200, 13, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.messages.correctAnswer) ANTIBOT:reset(player:getId()) else ANTIBOT:addTry(player:getId()) addEvent(function() if ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[player:getId()] and ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[player:getId()] < ANTIBOT.punishment.try.max and player then sendChannelMessage(13, TALKTYPE_CHANNEL_O, ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.messages.incorrectAnswer:format(ANTIBOT.punishment.try.max - ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[player:getId()])) end end, 100) end return true end <channel id="13" name="AntiBot" script="antibot.lua" /> Agora na pasta creaturescripts/scripts crie um arquivo chamado antibot.lua function onLogin(player) if player:getAccountType() >= ACCOUNT_TYPE_GAMEMASTER then return true end player:registerEvent("AntiBot") checkAnti(player:getId()) return true end function checkAnti(playerId) local player = Player(playerId) if not player then return false end min, max = ANTIBOT.verification[1], ANTIBOT.verification[2] random = math.random(min, max) addEvent(function() ANTIBOT:time(player:getId()) checkAnti(player:getId()) end, random * 60 * 1000) end <event type="login" name="AntiBot" script="antibot.lua" /> Agora no arquivo logout.lua na pasta creaturescripts/scripts antes do return true adicione isso if ANTIBOT.punishment.try.players[player:getId()] or ANTIBOT.punishment.time.players[player:getId()] then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, ANTIBOT.prefix .. ANTIBOT.messages.logout) player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) return false end ANTIBOT:reset(player:getId()) Sistema 100% feito por mim. 1 Majesty reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Majesty 1,755 #2 Posted March 2, 2021 Muito obrigado pela sua contribuição, seu conteúdo foi aprovado!Nós do OTServ Brasil agradecemos, seu conteúdo com certeza ajudará a muitos outros. Você recebeu +1 REP! Share this post Link to post