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Raphael Carnaúba

[7.92] Teleport Library XML

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Raphael Carnaúba    1
Raphael Carnaúba

Bom, estou liberando minha versão do Teleport Recorded em XML.




São 3 comandos:



/dests place name -- adiciona o nome a lista de destinations

/dests rem name -- remove o nome da lista

/dests name -- vai a posição que se encontra em esse nome na lista

/dests -- Mostra a lista de lugares...






Abaixo de:








No final de commands.cpp adicione:


bool Commands::destinationManager(Creature* creature, const std::string& cmd, const std::string& param)
    Player* player = creature->getPlayer();
       return false;

    boost::char_separator<char> sep(" ");
    tokenizer cmdtokens(param, sep);
    tokenizer::iterator cmdit = cmdtokens.begin();
    if(cmdit != cmdtokens.end() && *cmdit == "add")
    std::string param1 = parseParams(cmdit, cmdtokens.end());
        Position pos = player->getPosition();
        if(param1.size() > 0)
            for(DestinationList::iterator it = g_game.destinationList.begin(); it != g_game.destinationList.end(); it++)
                if((*it).name == param1)
                   player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "This place name already exists.");
                   return false;
                if((*it).pos == pos)
                   player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "This place name already exists.");
                   return false;
            std::transform(param1.begin(), param1.end(), param1.begin(), tolower);
            DestinationStruct dests;
   = param1;
            dests.pos = pos;
            player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Added succesfully.");
             player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Please enter a destination to be placed.");
             return false;
     else if(cmdit != cmdtokens.end() && *cmdit == "rem")
      std::string param1 = parseParams(cmdit, cmdtokens.end());
          std::transform(param1.begin(), param1.end(), param1.begin(), tolower);
          if(param1.length() > 0)
              for(DestinationList::iterator it = g_game.destinationList.begin(); it != g_game.destinationList.end(); it++)
                  if((*it).name == param1)
                     std::string msg = "Destination ";
                     msg += param1;
                     msg += " deleted.";
                     player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, msg.c_str());
                     return true;
              player->sendTextMessage(MSG_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Please enter a destination to be removed.");
              return false;
            std::stringstream ss;
            uint32_t id = 1;
            ss << " Destinations : \n";
            for( DestinationList::iterator it = g_game.destinationList.begin(); it != g_game.destinationList.end(); it++)
                 ss << id << "- " << (*it).name << "\n Pos: " << (*it).pos << "\n";
            player->sendTextWindow(1949, ss.str().c_str());
            return true;
    return true;


commands.h abaixo de:


bool forceRaid(Creature* creature, const std::string& cmd, const std::string& param);




bool Commands::destinationManager(Creature* creature, const std::string& cmd, const std::string& param);



Agora em game.cpp



Se você usa The Forgotten Server procure por:


void Game::SaveData(bool kickPlayers)


abaixo de:








Se você usa evolutions

Procure por:


void Game::saveServer()


abaixo de:


        message += "\nfailed to save map";







No final adicione:


bool Game::loadDests()
    std::string filename = "data/destinations.xml";
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str());
        xmlNodePtr root, p;
        root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
        if(xmlStrcmp(root->name,(const xmlChar*)"dests") != 0)
            std::cout << "Malformuled destinations.xml" << std::endl;
            return false;
            int32_t intValue;
            std::string strValue;
            p = root->children;
                if(xmlStrcmp(p->name, (const xmlChar*)"dest") == 0)
                    std::string name;
                    Position pos;
                    if(readXMLString(p, "name", strValue))
                        name = strValue;
                    if(readXMLInteger(p, "x", intValue))
                        pos.x = intValue;
                    if(readXMLInteger(p, "y", intValue))
                        pos.y = intValue;
                    if(readXMLInteger(p, "z", intValue))
                        pos.z = intValue;
                    DestinationStruct dests;
           = name;
                    dests.pos = pos;
               p = p->next;
            return true;
       return false;
bool Game::saveDests()
     std::string filename = "data/destinations.xml";
     xmlDocPtr doc = xmlNewDoc((xmlChar*) "1.0");
     xmlNodePtr node = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar*)"dests");
     xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node);
     for(DestinationList::iterator it = destinationList.begin(); it != destinationList.end(); it++)
         xmlNodePtr p = xmlNewChild(node, NULL, (xmlChar*) "dest", NULL);
         std::stringstream ss;
         ss << (*it).name;
         xmlNewProp(p, (xmlChar*)"name", (xmlChar*)ss.str().c_str());
         ss << (*it).pos.x;
         xmlNewProp(p, (xmlChar*)"x", (xmlChar*) ss.str().c_str());
         ss << (*it).pos.y;
         xmlNewProp(p, (xmlChar*)"y", (xmlChar*) ss.str().c_str());
         ss << (*it).pos.z;
         xmlNewProp(p, (xmlChar*)"z", (xmlChar*) ss.str().c_str());
         xmlAddChild(node, p);
     if( xmlSaveFile( filename.c_str() , doc ) != 0 )
        std::cout << "Saved a new place succesfully!" << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Failed to save a new place!" << std::endl; 
     return true;




abaixo de:


enum LightState_t {






struct DestinationStruct
    std::string name;
    Position pos;

typedef std::list<DestinationStruct> DestinationList;


Agora em public abaixo de:






    DestinationList destinationList;
    bool loadDests();
    bool saveDests();





acima de:


    std::cout << "[done]" << std::endl;
    std::string worldType = g_config.getString(ConfigManager::WORLD_TYPE);
    std::transform(worldType.begin(), worldType.end(), worldType.begin(), upchar);




    filename << g_config.getString(ConfigManager::DATA_DIRECTORY) << "destinations.xml";
    std::cout << ":: Loading destinations.xml... ";
        std::stringstream errormsg;
        errormsg << "Unable to load " << filename.str() << "!";
        return -1;



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Dr0p    0

Oi, vc eh gay e nem quer ot$ ¬¬¬

e mais uma coisa, eu tinha esse code antes de todo mundo hahaha ;**

e mais uma coisa, ta muito bom! :D

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Jackson Zani    1
Jackson Zani

Hehehe nem vou falar nada!

O code ta exelente :P

Só falta eu testar ele ^^


Abraços rapha!

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Raphael Carnaúba    1
Raphael Carnaúba

Código atualizado!


Espero que gostem smile.gif

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Jackson Zani    1
Jackson Zani
Código atualizado!


Espero que gostem smile.gif[/b]


Fico bem irado agora!

Ainda mais que agora tu feiz uma sendTextWindow ;D

Não precisa abrir o xml para verificar hahaha.


Abraços rapha!

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