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  1. exori hur X

    eu nao escolhe as vocaçoes (por o tipo arma escolhe o dano da vocation). DATA/SPELL/spell.xml <instant name="Secrete Throw" words="exori hur x" lvl="15" mana="40" prem="1" range="5" blockwalls="1" needweapon="1" exhaustion="2000" needlearn="0" event="script" value="[b]Battle/support[/b]/Secrete Throw.lua"> </instant> DATA/SPELL/Battle/support/Secrete Throw.lua function onCastSpell(cid, var) sendWeaponDistanceShoot(cid, var) end data\spells\lib\spells.lua dofile(getDataDir() .. "spells/lib/spellsList.lua") crie um arquivo com o nome spellsList.lua and put it inside. --[[ All pet Spell Here need to be learn before to use. ]]-- --Exori Hur X dofile(getDataDir() .. "spells/lib/petSpell/exoriHurX.lua") agora crie um outro arquivo exoriHurX.lua dentro de spells/lib/petSpell se a pasta nao existir vc deve criar local function withTarget(cid, pos, DistanceShoot) local tagertPositions = getCreaturePosition(getCreatureTarget(cid)) doSendDistanceShoot( {x = pos.x , y = pos.y , z = pos.z},tagertPositions , DistanceShoot) doAreaCombatHealth(cid, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, tagertPositions, tagertPositions, -50, -150, CONST_ME_NONE) end local function withOutTarget(cid, pos, DistanceShoot) local direction = getCreatureLookDirection(cid) if direction == NORTH then toPositions = {x = pos.x + math.random(-1,1), y = pos.y + math.random(-5,-3), z = pos.z} doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You are looking to north.") elseif direction == EAST then toPositions = {x = pos.x + math.random(3,5), y = pos.y + math.random(-1,1), z = pos.z} doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You are looking to east.") elseif direction == SOUTH then toPositions = {x = pos.x + math.random(-1,1), y = pos.y + math.random(3,5), z = pos.z} doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You are looking to south.") elseif direction == WEST then toPositions = {x = pos.x + math.random(-5,-3), y = pos.y + math.random(-1,1), z = pos.z} doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "You are looking to west.") else --no direction name found return toPositions end doSendDistanceShoot( {x = pos.x , y = pos.y , z = pos.z},toPositions , DistanceShoot) doAreaCombatHealth(cid, COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, toPositions, toPositions, -300, -550, CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONHIT) end function sendWeaponDistanceShoot(cid, var) -- var is for a possible advanced target, not used for now local pos = getPlayerPosition(cid) if isWeapon(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_AMMO).itemid) then DistanceShoot = getWeaponDistanceShoot(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_AMMO).itemid) elseif isWeapon(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_RIGHT).itemid) then DistanceShoot = getWeaponDistanceShoot(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_RIGHT).itemid) elseif isWeapon(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEFT).itemid) then DistanceShoot = getWeaponDistanceShoot(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, CONST_SLOT_LEFT).itemid) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "using spear as defalt.") end if isCreature(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then withTarget(cid, pos, DistanceShoot) else withOutTarget(cid, pos, DistanceShoot) end end emdata\lib crie um arquivo chamado 101-weapontype.lua ficando assim. data\lib\101-weapontype.lua dentro dele. WEAPONTYPE_CLUB = 1 WEAPONTYPE_SWORD = 2 WEAPONTYPE_AXE = 3 WEAPONTYPE_DISTANCE = 4 WEAPONTYPE_WAND = 5 WEAPONTYPE_ROD = 6 --WEAPON_AMMUNITION 7 --??? WEAPON_CLUB = { 2321, 2382, 2391, 2394, 2398, 2401, 2416, 2417, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424, 2433, 2434, 2436, 2437, 2439, 2444, 2445, 2448, 2449, 2452, 2453, 3961, 3966, 4846, 7379, 7381, 7387, 7392, 7410, 7414, 7415, 7424, 7425, 7426, 7427, 7429, 7430, 7431, 7432, 7437, 7451, 7452 } WEAPON_SWORD = { 2376, 2377, 2379, 2383, 2384, 2385, 2390, 2392, 2393, 2395, 2396, 2397, 2400, 2402, 2403, 2404, 2406, 2407, 2408, 2409, 2411, 2412, 2413, 2419, 2420, 2438, 2442, 2446, 2450, 2451, 3963, 6101 , 6528, 7382, 7383, 7384, 7385, 7386, 7390, 7402, 7404, 7405, 7406, 7407, 7408, 7416, 7449 } WEAPON_AXE = { 2378, 2380, 2381, 2386, 2387, 2388, 2405, 2414, 2415, 2418, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2430, 2431, 2432, 2435, 2440, 2441, 2443, 2447, 2454, 2550, 2559, 3962, 3964, 6553, 7380, 7388, 7389, 7412, 7413, 7419, 7434 } WEAPON_WAND = { 2187, 2188, 2189, 2190, 2191 } WEAPON_ROD = { 2181, 2182, 2183, 2185, 2186 } WEAPON_DISTANCE = { 1294, 2111, 2389, 2399, 2410, 2455, 2456, 3965, 5803, 7366, 7367, 7368, 7378, 7438 } WEAPON_AMMUNITION = { --arrows 2544,2545,2546,7838,7839,7840,7850,7364,7365, --bolts 7363,2547,6529 } function isWeapon(itemId) if(getWeaponType(itemId) ~= FALSE) then return TRUE else return FALSE end end function getWeaponType(itemId) if isInArray(WEAPON_CLUB, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_CLUB elseif isInArray(WEAPON_AXE, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_AXE elseif isInArray(WEAPON_SWORD, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_SWORD elseif isInArray(WEAPON_WAND, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_WAND elseif isInArray(WEAPON_ROD, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_ROD elseif isInArray(WEAPON_DISTANCE, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_DISTANCE elseif isInArray(WEAPON_AMMUNITION, itemId) then return WEAPONTYPE_AMMUNITION else return FALSE end end WeaponTypeDistance = { --[[1 Stone, Snow, ]]-- { 1294, 2111 } , --[[2 Spear,hunting,enchanted,royal ]]-- { 2389, 3965 , 7367 , 7378} , --[[3 throwing Stars, knives, green,red ]]-- { 2399, 2410, 7366, 7368} , --[[4 Arrow ]]-- { 2544,2545,2546,7838,7839,7840,7850,7364,7365} , --[[5 BOLT ]]-- { 7363,2547,6529} , } -- {type = "knight", WEAPON_CLUB = CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDCLUB, WEAPON_SWORD = CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDSWORD, WEAPON_AXE = CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDAXE} function getWeaponDistanceShoot(itemId) -------------paladin------ if isInArray(WeaponTypeDistance[1], itemId) then return CONST_ANI_LARGEROCK elseif isInArray(WeaponTypeDistance[2], itemId) then return CONST_ANI_ETHEREALSPEAR elseif isInArray(WeaponTypeDistance[3], itemId) then return CONST_ANI_THROWINGSTAR elseif isInArray(WeaponTypeDistance[4], itemId) then return CONST_ANI_ARROW elseif isInArray(WeaponTypeDistance[5], itemId) then return CONST_ANI_BOLT -------------kight----------- elseif isInArray(WEAPON_CLUB, itemId) then return CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDCLUB elseif isInArray(WEAPON_AXE, itemId) then return CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDAXE elseif isInArray(WEAPON_SWORD, itemId) then return CONST_ANI_WHIRLWINDSWORD ------------mages---------------- elseif isInArray(WEAPON_WAND, itemId) then return CONST_ANI_FIRE elseif isInArray(WEAPON_ROD, itemId) then return CONST_ANI_ICE else return FALSE end end PLS me ajude a completar a lista de armas. a lib