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Encontrado 1 registro

  1. [TFS 1.2] Prision Boss Script

    Prision Bosses TFS 1.2 by vankk Eu estava com um código bem ruim dos bosses da Prision Key no Aura, e resolvi atualizar, e decidi compartilhar aqui com vocês. Caso vocês queiram ver o script em funcionamento entre já em Aura. Clique aqui para ir para o site. O sistema está bem fácil de ser configurado, está tudo em tabelas, esse script é para os bosses: Zavarash, Horadron, Terofar. data/actions/actions.xml <action itemid="22606" script="prision_bosses.lua"/> <action itemid="22605" script="prision_bosses.lua"/> <action itemid="22604" script="prision_bosses.lua"/> data/actions/prision_bosses.lua local config = { [22606] = { targetId = 22636, -- Target ID. bossName = 'Zavarash', -- boss name keyPlayerPosition = Position(296, 1650, 12), -- Where the player should be. newPosition = Position(220, 1591, 13), -- Position to teleport bossPosition = Position(216, 1587, 13), -- Boss Position centerPosition = Position(215, 1591, 13), -- Center Room exitPosition = Position(293, 1634, 12), -- Exit Position rangeX = 20, -- Range in X rangeY = 20, -- Range in Y time = 15, -- time in minutes to remove the player }, [22605] = { targetId = 22634, -- Target ID. bossName = 'Horadron', -- boss name keyPlayerPosition = Position(291, 1650, 12), -- Where the player should be. newPosition = Position(293, 1676, 13), -- Position to teleport bossPosition = Position(300, 1677, 13), -- Boss Position centerPosition = Position(296, 1678, 13), -- Center Room exitPosition = Position(293, 1634, 12), -- Exit Position rangeX = 20, rangeY = 20, time = 15, -- time in minutes to remove the player }, [22604] = { targetId = 22638, -- Target ID. bossName = 'Terofar', -- boss name keyPlayerPosition = Position(302, 1650, 12), -- Where the player should be. newPosition = Position(257, 1675, 13), -- Position to teleport bossPosition = Position(260, 1676, 13), -- Boss Position centerPosition = Position(255, 1678, 13), -- Center Room exitPosition = Position(293, 1634, 12), -- Exit Position rangeX = 20, rangeY = 20, time = 15, -- time in minutes to remove the player } } local function roomIsOccupied(centerPosition, rangeX, rangeY) local spectators = Game.getSpectators(centerPosition, false, false, rangeX, rangeX, rangeY, rangeY) if #spectators ~= 0 then return true end return false end function clearBossRoom(playerId, centerPosition, rangeX, rangeY, exitPosition) local spectators, spectator = Game.getSpectators(centerPosition, false, false, rangeX, rangeX, rangeY, rangeY) for i = 1, #spectators do spectator = spectators[i] if spectator:isPlayer() and spectator.uid == playerId then spectator:teleportTo(exitPosition) exitPosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end if spectator:isMonster() then spectator:remove() end end end function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) local tmpConfig = config[item.itemid] if not tmpConfig then return true end if target.itemid ~= tmpConfig.targetId then return true end local creature = Tile(tmpConfig.keyPlayerPosition):getTopCreature() if not creature or not creature:isPlayer() then return true end if roomIsOccupied(tmpConfig.centerPosition, tmpConfig.rangeX, tmpConfig.rangeY) then player:sendCancelMessage("There is someone in the room.") return true end local monster = Game.createMonster(tmpConfig.bossName, tmpConfig.bossPosition) if not monster then return true end -- Send message player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You have entered an ancient demon prison cell!') player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'You have fifteen minutes to kill and loot this boss, else you will lose that chance.') -- Let's roll addEvent(clearBossRoom, 60 * tmpConfig.time * 1000, player:getId(), tmpConfig.centerPosition, tmpConfig.rangeX, tmpConfig.rangeY, tmpConfig.exitPosition) item:remove() player:teleportTo(tmpConfig.newPosition) player:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) return true end Não ensinarei a configurar a tabela, isso é uma tarefa bem fácil, e para não ter nada de mão beijada também né,