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Encontrado 2 registros

  1. Scripting Shutdown global save

    Pergunta, qual a função do shutdown globalsave? o save normal de hora em hora já nao funciona? Como eu nao vejo a necessidade irei retirar essa função, entao vim me informar se estou fazendo errado.
  2. Nome: Função saveMap Autor: Capaverde Versão Testada: The Forgotten Server - Version 0.2rc9 (Mystic Spirit) Função que salva o estado do seu mapa num novo .otbm, útil para servidores com sistemas de construção. Instruções para como instalar abaixo. bit32 = bit print = debugPrint --SPECIAL CHARACTERS NODE_START = 0xfe NODE_END = 0xff ESCAPE_CHAR = 0xfd --OTBM NODE TYPES OTBM_ROOTV1 = 1 OTBM_MAP_DATA = 2 OTBM_ITEM_DEF = 3 OTBM_TILE_AREA = 4 OTBM_TILE = 5 OTBM_ITEM = 6 OTBM_TILE_SQUARE = 7 OTBM_TILE_REF = 8 OTBM_SPAWNS = 9 OTBM_SPAWN_AREA = 10 OTBM_MONSTER = 11 OTBM_TOWNS = 12 OTBM_TOWN = 13 OTBM_HOUSETILE = 14 --OTBM ATTR TYPES OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION = 1 OTBM_ATTR_EXT_FILE = 2 OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS = 3 OTBM_ATTR_ACTION_ID = 4 OTBM_ATTR_UNIQUE_ID = 5 OTBM_ATTR_TEXT = 6 OTBM_ATTR_DESC = 7 OTBM_ATTR_TELE_DEST = 8 OTBM_ATTR_ITEM = 9 OTBM_ATTR_DEPOT_ID = 10 OTBM_ATTR_EXT_SPAWN_FILE = 11 OTBM_ATTR_RUNE_CHARGES = 12 OTBM_ATTR_EXT_HOUSE_FILE = 13 OTBM_ATTR_HOUSEDOORID = 14 OTBM_ATTR_COUNT = 15 OTBM_ATTR_DURATION = 16 OTBM_ATTR_DECAYING_STATE = 17 OTBM_ATTR_WRITTENDATE = 18 OTBM_ATTR_WRITTENBY = 19 OTBM_ATTR_SLEEPERGUID = 20 OTBM_ATTR_SLEEPSTART = 21 OTBM_ATTR_CHARGES = 22 function lchar(i) s="" while i>0 do s=s..string.char(i%256) i=math.floor(i/256) end return s end function format(s,size) local len = #s for x=1,size/8-len do s=s.."\0" end return s end function writeData(f,data,size,unescape) local thestr if type(data) == "string" then thestr = format(data,size) elseif type(data) == "number" then thestr = format(lchar(data),size) elseif type(data) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(data) do print(k,v) end return else print(data) return end for x=1,size/8 do local c = thestr:sub(x,x) --print(#thestr,size,string.byte(c)) --if c == string.char(0x0D) then error("daonde") end if unescape and (c==string.char(NODE_START) or c==string.char(NODE_END) or c==string.char(ESCAPE_CHAR)) then f:write(string.char(ESCAPE_CHAR)) end f:write(c) end end function addU8(f,data) writeData(f,data,8,true) end function addByte(f,data) writeData(f,data,8,false) end function addU16(f,data) writeData(f,data,16,true) end function addU32(f,data) writeData(f,data,32,false) end function addString(f,data) if #data > 0xffff then return false end addU16(f,#data) writeData(f,data,#data*8,false) end function startNode(f,c) --c is a char writeData(f,NODE_START,8,false) writeData(f,c,8,true) end function endNode(f) writeData(f,NODE_END,8,false) end WIDTH = 128 --put here the dimensions of your map HEIGHT = 128 -- ITEMDWMAJORVERSION = 2 ITEMDWMINORVERSION = 8 function saveMap(name) --e.g. "map.otbm" local minv = math.huge local maxv = 0 print("saveMap start") f =,"wb") addU32(f,0); --version startNode(f,0) addU32(f,0); --version again addU16(f,WIDTH) addU16(f,HEIGHT) addU32(f,ITEMDWMAJORVERSION) addU32(f,ITEMDWMINORVERSION) startNode(f,OTBM_MAP_DATA) --addByte(f,OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION) --addString(f,"Created with saveMap script, a translation of Remere's") local first = true local l_x=-1 local l_y=-1 local l_Z=-1 for z=0,7 do for xi=0,WIDTH-1,256 do for yi=0,HEIGHT-1,256 do for x=xi,math.min(xi+256-1,WIDTH-1) do for y=yi,math.min(yi+256-1,HEIGHT-1) do if x<l_x or x>=l_x+256 or y<l_y or y>=l_y+256 or z~=l_z then if not first then endNode(f) end first = false --start new node startNode(f,OTBM_TILE_AREA),0xff00),0xff00) l_z=z addU16(f,l_x) addU16(f,l_y) addU8(f,l_z) end startNode(f,OTBM_TILE) addU8(f,,0xff)) addU8(f,,0xff)) for stackpos=0,10 do local pos = {x=x,y=y,z=z,stackpos=stackpos} local thing = getTileThingByPos(pos) if (thing.itemid==0 and stackpos==0) then --no tile, so we can skip it break end if thing.itemid > 0 and stackpos ~= 253 then --TODO: save item counts, save containers addByte(f,OTBM_ATTR_ITEM) addU16(f,thing.itemid) end end endNode(f) end end end end end if not first then endNode(f) end endNode(f) endNode(f) f:close() print(minv,maxv) end Pra instalar é só colocar o código acima no global.lua, e daí chamar saveMap("map.otbm") onde você quiser, numa talkaction ou npc. Aviso: Pode lagar um pouco, dependendo do tamanho do seu mapa.